Chapter 9: Missing You*

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A/N: IMPORTANT The song that is in this chapter is not by an unreleased Taylor song. It's an original song by Megan and Liz; I felt this song felt the chapter better than any Taylor Swift song. PS I did make a minor change to the lyrics... Which gave the song a different feel so...

Media: Link to song


7:34pm and the storm showed no signs of stopping. Wind howled and icy snow hit the windows in series of taps.

"I guess I'll be spending the night here." Launter stated glumly staring out the window.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Swift muttered. Launter turned to face her; he was smiling. "I'm only joking. This might not be so bad after all."

Her crystal eyes held a hint of hope. "Yeah maybe." She pulled the teddy bear closer to her chest.


Lautner looked Taylor, really looked at her for the first time in years. Her crystal blue eyes stared out the window watching the endless snow fall swirl in the wind. Blonde curls had fallen out of her ponytail and framed her face. He saw both the girl he know from freshman year and a slightly different girl in front of him. While Taylor still held on her whimsical laugh and gentle smile, something changed in her eyes. They no longer shown with pure carefree happiness; there was remnants of something broken in it's place; heartache, loss, and pain. Yet she hid it well enough, but he could tell something in her hadn't fully healed.

Taylor hadn't changed so much so that Lautner could not longer read her.

The sat in comfortable silence for a while, until Lautner suggest they watch a movie.

Taylor smiled at that idea and took his hand to lead him to room with flat screen and wall of DVDs.


She lead him down the hall and into a modern styled room. It held a flat screen TV that was hooked up with different gaming systems, a few sofas and the back wall was aligned with DVD's and a few games. On the wall parallel to the door lied a desk with PC and self that contained several other programs.

"You're the guest." Taylor said as she gestured with one arm to wall that shelved a wild array of DVDs.

Lautner stared at the massive collection in amazement. "Whoa." Was all he could mange to say.

Taylor smiled. She never really used this room much; it was on the way to art studio, but there was never a desire to browse the massive DVD collection.

"Hm..." Lautner scanned the rows looking for something eye catching. "How about this one?"

Taylor looked at the title then meet his eyes, in surprise.

"It's still your favorite right?" His sounded unsure of himself.

"Yes," her was soft. "I'm surprised you still remembered."

"How could I forget," Lautner laughed. "You and Abigail talked about it for days."

Taylor simply smiled in response before grabbing a blanket and sitting on the couch.

By the time the end credits were rolling, the blonde was asleep, her head resting on his shoulder, by the time the end credits played. The blanket was around both of them. Lautner still barely awake wrapped his arms Taylor before drifting off.


The morning light brought an other light snow fall; at least four inches had accumulated.

The media room was had gotten cold over the night, causing Taylor to unconsciously snuggle closer to the source of heat, him.

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