Chapter 5: Forever & Always

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Damien was baffled by the arrive of the boy; although Scott had told him in advance that there would be a guest staying; Damien was informed that it was a friends son. Damien just agreed to prepare the guest room, but was puzzled. There is so much not adding up. First Scott comes to tell his daughter new that he knows will upset her. Then he tries setting her up with a friends son? But Damien never voiced his opinions. After all Scott was the man who signed his paycheck, so he really couldn't say anything.

There is so much not right here. He though once more as Scott said to keep and eye on Taylor and the boy. Why? What is so wrong with Taylor that she needs watched? Sure she has a temper, surprisingly, but sweet and whimsical. And what is wrong with you? That makes you treat Taylor like this. First you say she's trouble, but then shouldn't you get her help? Then you do things to purposefully aggravate her. Why? Damien longed to find the answer, but he knew asking them would cause him to lose his job. One things for sure Taylor must have had one hell of a life and now I'm a part of it.


Damien doing has he was told watched the couple. He heard Taylor's musical laughter and the playing of the piano and endless chatter, on the day Joe arrived. Damien felt like a stalker, but continued to watch them for the next few days keeping the bonus Scott had also promised in mind.


The days were filled with laughter and light. Taylor was obviously head over heals for the guy with pretty brown eyes. She loved talking to him and teaching him the piano. He loved her ocean blue eyes and beautiful voice. They way her finger drifted along the keys playing the gentle beat on an unfamiliar song and her voice was melodic and soft.

Joe looked at the blue eyed girl and smile. Taylor meet his warm eyes and smiled her cheeks slightly pink as her eyes shined with gratitude. They seemed to express every single though running through her pretty little mind, and say the words she never dared to say aloud.

On the other hands Joe's eyes were dark a mysterious you couldn't decipher his thoughts from look into his eyes but rather his smile. The quirky half smile he always wore when Taylor did something silly, or the smirk he wore when then playful teased each other, but the most beautiful was his full smile that show part of his teeth. The one that could light up Taylor's day and made her smile in return.

The girl with the deep blue eye was falling for the boy with stunning smile and it had only been a few weeks.


A blonde curl hung in front of her face after she dismounted the horse. It was Joe's first time horseback riding and Taylor seventh. They enjoyed each other company as they aimless riding through the large property. The conversations were full of laughter and smiles even as they touch some fragile subjects; the air was free of awkwardness, unease, and tension.

Taylor and Joe continued to talk as they made their way back to the mansion. At the doorway of Taylor's bedroom Joe lean in a kissed her good night.

Her heart race as she felt his lips against hers, her stomach turned to butterflies, and a light blush crept to her check all from a kiss lasting no more than a few seconds. Joe lingered before leaving. "Thanks, again Taylor." He said softly before turning around.

Taylor stood in the doorway stunned. Absentmindedly she walked into her room and picked up her journal and a pen a began to write.


The clock read 5:17am when the sound of the guitar and a melodic voice sing a new song. They music filled the room with each strike of the chord. Her voice although quite brought with a presence that could capture anyone's attention. "Time slows down whenever you're around. " The blonde sang while strumming the guitar; she closed her eyes as the song came to it's closing. "Today was a fairy tale." She let final chord resonate throughout the now silent room.

Taylor smiled pleased with the song she has spent a third of the night writing. The clock now read 5:21am and Taylor set her guitar back on it's stand.


Her voice, that medley, those lyrics the unfamiliar song had used Joe to stand outside of Taylor's door at five in the morning with his eyes closed as he lost himself in the song. When the final chord was played he was speechless and in that moment her realized he was head over heals for the blue eyed girl with amazing voice.


The first time they kiss happen at eleven thirty and it was not their last. His voice greeted the musician as soon as she opened the door. His words of praise and amazement shock her. Outside of her mother Taylor had never been complimented on her song-writing abilities. Her father though that his daughters interest in being a musician was far fetch and impractical; he want her to go into business like him and Austin would follow suit, too. Thus is came to a shock as Joe continued to utter words like "brilliant, talented, and indescribably wonderful."

He looked at he with shock as she stuttered not quite sure how to respond to the compliment. Has anyone every be kind to her? He though has recalled her blushing slightly everytime he'd given her a compliment. My father pulled me out school halfway through my freshman year.... never let me out his his since, until now... He practically kick me out the door Their conversation from last night echoed in his mind and the pieces fell into place.

If Joe was asked why he kissed Taylor, he would reply that something came over him or a spur of moment decision, but in reality his heart ached for the girl who had known so little love. She deserves so much, and I'll give it to her.

Taylor was overwhelmed by the emotions of happiness, shock, and some else she couldn't quite described. The way her heartbeat sped up, her eyes light up and a smile crept onto her face whenever Joe was around. The way the kiss felt so indescribably good and right. How she longed for some one to make her feel special and important and Joe was giving her just that.


"I love you." He spoke so only she could hear.

Her blue eye widened in astonishment and sparkled with joy. "I love you." Her voice barely above a whisper conveyed the her wide range of emotions happiness, excitement, love and compassion.

"Forever and Always." He mouthed his brown eyes held no mystery to his emotions the love he felt for the blonde was evident.

That was when the wide eyed singer fell hard for the boy with the warm brown eye and dazzling smile.

If only she looked before she fell.


A/N: So how was it? Hope you're enjoying the story! I love all of my readers <3 [in the none creepy way obvi] If there are more of you reading this story and enjoy it please comment or vote!

Also I'd like to wish Ms. Taylor Alison Swift a happy 25th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!!!

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