Chapter 3: Exploring the Castle

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A/N: Disclaimer for the chapter I don't own a pet horse nor have a ever fed one, so I'm just guessing. 

Media hold a picture of Taylor's painting. 

It took Taylor three weeks to explore every single room. 

"It's like a castle, a magical ever growing castle." She would tell herself every time she found a new room to explore.

She almost died of happiness when she found the stable had two white horses. "There names are Lilia and Lena." A female voice said.
The woman's in her thirties. Taylor guessed. She has faded brown hair that was in a loose bun on the top of her head, hazel eyes, and a warm smile; that reminded Taylor of her mother.
"My name Katherine." The woman introduced her self. "And you must be Taylor."

The eighteen year old nodded.

"Would you like to feed one?" Katherine asked.

Taylor have her an uneasy look. "I-I don't know if that's a good idea." She mumbled.

"Nonsense." Katherine said. "The technically are your horses. I'm just there caretaker."

"Okay." Taylor took the carrot that Katherine handed to her. "You're alright just keep an open palm and put it a little below there nose."

Taylor did as she was told. The horse sniffed the carrot before eating out of her hand. Taylor giggled. "It tickles."

Katherine smiled. "It does. Well I'm sorry I have to. There's a staff meeting. Nice meeting you come back soon."

"I will." Taylor said smiling.

The next week had another highlight, Taylor found a study one first floor that was near a guest bedroom, had been turned into an art studio with blank canvasses and unused paints. They looked brand new.

One blank canvass was on an easel it had a note:

Dear Taylor,
Hope your enjoying your place. I placed a few more surprises for you.

Taylor smiled. She occasionally loved but hated her dad most of time. Right now she loved him.

Taylor threw the sticky note in the waste basket and quickly opened several paints and grabbed some brushes. 

She made a rough stech in pencil, then started mixing paints to create shades, shadows, and highlights.

Roughly two hours later Taylor had paint a horse like the one in the stables but she added wings and a unicorn horn. The background was lake during the night. It look magical and mysterious and Taylor loved it.

"Taylor," Damien said startling Taylor; she squealed almost dropped the brush she was holding. "Oh sorry!"

"That's okay. " Taylor replied. "What's up?"

"Dinner started ten minutes ago and you didn't show, so we wanted to know if you were going to eat later." Damien explain.

"Oh." Taylor must have lost tract of time painting. She always had a tendency to loose track of time. "I'll be right there just let me wash up." She walked to the adherent power room to wash the paint off her hands.

Damien looked in awe at what Taylor had painted. The attention to detail was amazing. From the ripples in th lake to the way the moonlight capture the pegacorn's wings.

"I guess I lost track of time." Taylor said walking out of the powder room. "Please don't look at that!" Taylor cried when she saw Damien looking at her artwork.

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