Chapter 4: Look before You Fall*

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It's been six month's since Taylor moved into her New York Mansion.

She settled into her new surroundings after four weeks and reconnected with some old friends after five weeks.

At six weeks the staff notice Taylor's unusual behaviours; from child-like whims to psychotic breaks.

Her first break occurred after Taylor's father stopped for a visit.


The sound of glass shattering filled the room.

"Taylor what the hell?!" Scott screamed at his daughter, but the was no surprise in his voice, just disgust.

"Get out!" Tears trickled down her face. Her blue eyes show anger and pain; a broken girl. Taylor reached down a picked up a the nearest thing; a book. She hurdled it in her father's direction; close enough to make a point, but not enough to hurt him.

Scott said nothing but looked at his daughter. Her curly blonde hair was straight today, and her eyes glisten with pain. Scott's heart ached as he thought of his wife whom Taylor resembled. He fuzzily recalled the late nights they were up but the yearning turned to hatred as he remembers her leaving.

He straightened his tie and began to walk out of the room. "Taylor," he said before existing "Do everyone a favor and stay away from the wedding."

Scott left before Taylor could said anything else.

"Sir?" Damien addressed his boss on the way out. "Is everything alright? I heard-"

"It's fine Damien." Scott received a confused glance. "Taylor just lost it. When I told her about getting remarried. It's not as bad as I expected."

"Will she be okay?" Damien asked, not understanding Scott's casual tone.

"She'll be fine, but she did break a mirror. Good luck, Damien." Scott said before leaving.


A boy showed up at her door three weeks after Scott dropped the remarriage bomb on Taylor. He had black hair, and warm brown eyes. "My name is Joe." The stranger said with a smile.

The blonde stared at him for a moment in confusion; the mansion was a few miles, give or take, for any made road. "How did you-"

"Sorry," He voice was soft and gentle. "I should have explained that earlier. My father friends with yours and they thought be would get along."

Anger flashed at the mention of her father, but you would not have noticed. "So are parents are setting us up?" Taylor said with an eye roll.

Joe chuckled "It seems like it. So can I come in?"

The blonde nodded as she stepped out of the doorway.

"Wow," Joe said looking around. "Nice."

"Thanks." Taylor was still on guard, but her voice was relaxed. "I don't think I introduced myself; I'm Taylor."

"Taylor." Joe said repeating her name. "You have the most beautiful eyes."

A light blush crept onto her cheeks. "Thank you. Come I'll show you around."


The two hit it off quickly, since both their parent were prominent people they had some similar experiences.

"No way." Taylor said in disbelief.

"Dead serious. The interview literally showed up at my house right before I was about to leave my freshman dance and started interviewing my date, thinking she was sister or something." Joe left out a airy laugh. "The rest of the dance was just awkward."


"Literally he just shows up out of nowhere and hands me a business card telling to give this to my father before walking away. I was nine." Taylor recalled.

"Wait you were nine and you were alone?"

"No I was at my friends house which what made it creepy as hell."

"Whoa stalker alert."

"I know right?"


"So will you be staying while?"

"I guess so my dad just kind of pushed me in a car and told me I was meeting a girl. Apparently there was a pack suit case in the back too. Guess he really want me to get out more." Joe shrugged.

Taylor simply nodded.

"So how'd you get your dad to get you this place?" Joe said changing the subject.

"He wanted me out." Taylor said flatly. "Eighteenth birthday present; he pushes me in the car told me the rest of my stuff would be here soon."

"Oh," Joe said not expecting the answer. "harsh."

"Not so bad." Taylor shrugged.


The continued to talk about lighter subjects for several hours as they wandered the halls aimlessly. Taylor finally seemed to be relaxing; she was apprehensive when Joe said her father was part of the reason for his arrival, but now Taylor seemed to be completely relaxed around her new friend.

Joe a little anxious at first when he father told him he was being set up with a friends daughter. "Get to know her; it'll be good for everyone if you two came be friends or something." He father said gibing no further information. Joe was pleasantly surprised to see that curly hair blonde with stunning blue eye dressed in jean and tee opened the door. He wasn't sure what to expect but beautiful looking girl that could pass for a normal teen on her way to high school was not it. Taylor had this odd child-like innocent whim to her that Joe has never seen before; that he was inexplicably drawn to.

They wander into a study where with the light of the moon from the bay window she showed him a few chords on the piano and played him a song with sound of the fire crackling in the background.

Taylor yawned as she struck the finial chord of the song.

"Looks like some one's tired." Joe observed. "and beautiful musician."

Taylor shrugged. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself; you pick up the song quickly." Taylor said standing up.

"Why thank you." Joe followed her out of the room. "Did you write the song?"

"Yeah." Taylor said sleepily.

"It's beautiful." Joe said before yawning.

Taylor giggled. "Is some one else is tired?"

Joe smiled, "Guess so."


Taylor told Damien that there was a guest bedroom on her floor, three door down and to the right. Joe smiled and told her goodnight and that he was glad he didn't tuck-n-roll out of car on the way here.

A giggle escaped her lips as she returned the goodnight.


Taylor open a journal and wrote the words today was a fairy tale before going to sleep.


Hey so sorry for the sucky chapter.

I realized I was kind of dragging the intro so skipped ahead to want you all probably want to read.

the first relationship.

So even though this chapter was rubbish (I've been watching too man british youtuber when i'm not blasting 1989) please vote, and comment! Please? The more feedback I get the more motivation I have to continue the story. So the the like three people reading this please vote and/or comment.

Love ya'll <3 :)

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