Chapter 6: A Perfectly Good Heart

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Tears cascaded down her face. Her blue eye were pink and from crying. Her body was racket with sobs. She mutter incoherently to herself only a few words were distinguishable. Her sobs and mumblings were the sound in the empty bedroom. In her hands she held picture at was slightly torn on the edges as if she had tried to rip it but couldn't bring herself to go through with it.

"Why?" Her broken voice spoke in the lonely room.

Her eye stared at the picture fondly recalling their past months they spent together. her memories held a mixture of happiness that was now tinged with longing and sadness.

Another tear fell down her face as she stared back into his image. His warm brown eyes mysterious as ever, but his smile gave away all his emotions. Or so she thought.

The memory wash over her like a tidal wave.
Laughter filled the silent hallway walk as they aimless through the house.
His warm brown eyes so endearing and trustworthy meet her blue ones nätive and full of hope and love.

They found an old poloriod camera. Joe held the camera at arms length and pulled Taylor to his side. They smile fondly at each other.

"I love you." he whisper softly in her ear.

"I love you." her ocean eyes stared straight into his and her words ran deeper than just the "young love: I love you" for she was completely head over heals.

It was their sixth week as a couple and Taylor only fell deeper in love with him.
She didn't bother wiping the tears away or muffling her sobs in her pillow. Her throat was raw from crying and her eyes stung. But nothing could compare to the pain she felt when he left nineteen hours and thirty eight minutes ago.
The note was the only thing she saw that morning.

Had to leave. Family business got a call last night. Call later. -Sorry Joe

The smile quickly faded from her face and was replaced by a look of confusion as she stared a the vague note.

Taylor spent several hours waiting for him to call.

When he finally did it was exactly twenty-seven seconds long. They exchanged hellos before he dropped a bomb that would break her.
"I'm breaking up with you. Sorry Taylor. We just are right for each other." He voice showed no sign of remorse, sorrow, or held any trace of emotion just steady and self assured with no hesitation or pauses yet not quite confident.

"What?" Disbelief colored her tone.

"You heard me. We are no longer together." Each word cut into her like a knife. "Taylor," his voice no longer said her name like a crease; there was no warmth in a endearing tone. Monotone. Unemotional. Indifferent. The was nothing in his voice now. "Goodbye."

The line went dead.

The anger hit Taylor first. How could he been so inconsiderate? A phone call? I split my heart to to him and he breaks up with me through a goddamn phone call?!

Her hand shook as anger turn her vision red.
A twenty-seven second phone call?! She cursed his name.
'We aren't right for each other?!"
Her mind brought up an memory a fond conversation. He smiled as he told her that he would never leave and that they we meant to be.

Intense hatred washed over her. The was screaming, and the sound of things breaking.

When the anger faded. Taylor was locked in her room. She couldn't fully recall what she did before she got there but she had a feeling that she would eventually regret it.

But for now all she could think about was how lonely her quiet room was. How empty the mansion would be and how much she misses him.

The anger was replaced with overwhelming sadness and loss as the blonde cried and screamed into her pillow.
The clock now read 1:58 a.m. Her sobs slowly faded into sniffles which then faded all together. Yet the pain of not know continued to linger in the back of her mind.
What did I do? Where did we- I go wrong?

Taylor pick up a pen and began to write for it was the one coping mechanism that always worked for her.

She put her feelings down in fragmented lyrics broken pieces of a song by a girl with a broken heart.

Why would you want to take our love and tear it all apart now?
why would you want break a perfectly good heart?

I was there when you said forever and always.
Was I out of line did I say something way to honest made you run and hide

Why did you have to go away?
The words that you whisper for just us to know you told me you loved me so why did you away?

Three fragment verses of what would soon be three different songs were finished by 5:29 a.m.

The heartbroken blonde feel asleep shortly after she set down the guitar.
Damien was oddly relieved when Taylor's door slammed shut and the lock turn with a click.

He was still in a state of shock after see's Taylor's rage. Her blue eye held a fiery hatred, her small frame shook as she shakily threw the closest thing to her, a picture frame, across the room where it sailed into a wall mirror shattering both object.

The girl mutter incoherently to herself and scream at anyone who tried to calm her down. She swore at them and would flinch and jerk away if you tried to calmingly touch her shoulder her or grab her hand.

Damien was aware that the boy left because a driver came to pick him up at an odd hour in the morning.

However Damien was unaware that the boy would not becoming back, ever. That was only confirmed through Taylor's psychotic break down after the phone call.

He couldn't bring himself to be angry at the girl though. She really seemed to love Joe with all her heart. The innocent sheltered girl couldn't be expected to take the break up well especially a rude one that like, but her reaction was extreme.

I'll have to figure out what is going on for Taylor's sake and mine.


A/N: Thanks for all the support! It means a lot to me :)
Hope you enjoyed and you all have a lovely holiday break :)
Love you all! <3 Please speak now in the comment section or have a spark fly by clicking the start to vote!!

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