Chapter 10: Moving On

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Cheerful memories became dreadful nightmares that filled her with guilt. She refused to even acknowledge the lyrics that the memories brought. For once putting her feeling in song did not ease the pain. She tried suppress them memories they built in almost a year. It almost worked, until she sleep. Her subconscious dragging up memories, guilt, pain, and longing.

"Then leave." She heard the sound of her voice repeating those painful words.

Oh God why did I say it?

And he left...

"When you're broken I'll be there to hold you so tightly that all the broken pieces fall back into place...

I can't stand to see you like this..." He told her as he walked out the door.

Tears sprung, slowly falling into the pillow. It's all my fault...

He left...


Life was dull once more, days blurring into each other. Her voice rarely used anymore, the guitar sat untouched a thin layer a thin layer of dust slowly gathering.

Writing didn't help when she knew she cause her pain and his.

A small bouquet of withered roses sat on the table beside her bed. The wilted petals fell as often as her tears.

The bouquet was in the trash before the last petal fell.


The handle moved slightly but the door refused to open.

"How long has she been in there?" Travis' question received a sigh from Damien.

"Too long." Obviously. Travis rolled his eyes.

"Look, I have to take care of matters for Scott. " Damien's voice sounded exhausted. "Please try to coax her out or at least get her to talk to you."

"I'll try." Travis responded as Damien turned the other hallway.

Travis repeated knocked on the door yet received no response. "Come on Taylor! You haven't been out in ages. I think I might have forgotten what you look like. Can I see your pretty eyes? .... Wait that might have sounded weird. Um, I just um wanted to see your face. Wait. No that doesn't sound any better. " he took a breath. "Look please at least come out for a few minutes and let everyone know you are alive, please?"

"You think my eyes are pretty?" Her voice was weak and hoarse.

"Yeah!" Travis responded excitedly. "I think they are even prettier if I can see them."

Within a minute the door inches open and Taylor slide out. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and she was dressed in sweats and a old t-shirt. Her eyes look tired and her smile was small and fragile.

"Hey." Her voice fit her appearance, worn and exhausted. "I'm alive. So what about my eyes?"

Travis smiled. "Um your eyes are pretty. Like um the color blue is pretty. My mom had blue too and um... I don't where where I was going with that... Point is your eyes are pretty." Travis' eyes settled on the floor. Well I sounded like an idiot.

"Thanks." Taylor muttered; her eyes glanced everywhere but where he stood.

"Let's go out. You need some fresh air after being in your room for so long."

Taylor shrugged. "Alright. I guess. " her voice held no emotion.


The January air was chilly and a light frost covered the ground.

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