"Please dont take my sunshine away" Ansgty Errormare

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The day was cold and grey. Fitting, for what was happening.

Nightmare was leaning over Error, on his knees, the dust and clothes of his gang strewn around him, as he watched his husband's soul slowly start breaking into pieces.

"Error! Sunshine! Oh stars nonono-" Nightmare was cut off by the other's voice.

"It'll be alright, Moonbeam. Smile. I'm not worth your tears." His voice was surprisingly steady for someone missing two limbs, and whose soul was run through by a bone. Tears were beading in the corners of his sockets, but he smiled. Not for his sake, though.

"Dont--Dont say that! You were the reason for me to smile! You...were my sunshine.....Please....don't go away....." Nightmare was sobbing now, his body shaking as he clutched the other's arm.

"I'll always be with you, Moonbeam. I love you with all my heart." His soul had tiny pieces crumbling off now, and Nightmare gripped his hand tighter.

"you...are my sunshine...." Error looked confused for a moment, and then smiled, closing his eyes.

"My only sunshine....." Nightmare's hands tightened on Error's arm, and his tears flowed freely.

"You make me happy.....When skies are grey...." Error took a deep breath, and then joined in.

"You'll never know, dear....How much I love you....." He pressed his forehead against the other's.

"please dont take...my sunshine..away...." Nightmare sang the last line alone, a pile of dust and clothes falling to the ground.

A golden ring fell with the dust, small writing inscribed in it's smooth surface. 'I, Error CQ, swear to never leave Nightmare Joku, my lawfully wedded husband, despite what challenges may arise.'

As Nightmare knelt in the dirt, staring down at his dust-covered hands, a strong gust blew by, scattering the powdery substance.

The sky overhead was mottled purple,black,blue, and turquoise, stars speckling it. It was beautiful. Nightmare smiled, walking up to the edge of the cliff overlooking the void. He stared down into the inky depths, face blank. Then, he turned on his heel, spread his arms, and tipped backwards, letting himself fall into it.

He fell, and the time seemed to leak slowly by. He thought about things, in his last moments. If there truly was an afterlife. Maybe he would see his crew there. His Sunshine. There was a soft glow from above, so light he thought he imagined it.

And then hands grasped him from above. Feather-light grips on his arms, back, legs. His eye widened, tears starting to flow as he saw the faint forms of his friends. They seemed to reach through him as he fell, pulling him through himself and up into the air with them. He turned his head to his companions ahead of him. He saw his gang. And...Error was in front of them all, holding out his hands for Nightmare.He went forward, trying to look behind him at his still falling body, but his head was gently guided to face them again. All his feelings blew away, replaced with pure joy. Truly smiling for the first time in days, he was pulled forward by his love. Still smiling, Nightmare joined them in the warm light, and finally...blissfully...felt peace at last.

I made a comic of this and wanted to write it lmao

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