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Today was the day , the open casting and I was laying down with Miguel "Y/n get up we gotta get ready for the open casting" Xo says walking into my hotel room "omg no way that's today??" I says sitting up quickly "yess now get ready" she says walking out and also turns out Miguel was going to watching the open casting he's starring in the movie ! So I really want to get the part , I get up and walk to the bathroom and takes a quick but good shower and I start on my hair making it a messy type bun but neat , I put on a white top and a black skirt with a matching white headband

Today was the day , the open casting and I was laying down with Miguel "Y/n get up we gotta get ready for the open casting" Xo says walking into my hotel room "omg no way that's today??" I says sitting up quickly "yess now get ready" she says walk...

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After a few minutes I start to gather my things because I have to be there in a hour and it's a 30 min drive so I run down to the lobby forgetting about Miguel 😬 but who cares rn I got things to do , while we are in the car me and Xo are practicing on our speech the sent out to us a few days ago and they give us a script if we can memorize the speech and act it out well , it's a lot of work but it's worth it . When we arrived I already see Ruby stink eyeing me I just ignore it today is really important to me , I walk over to Becca who isn't mad anymore because she understands where I came from now "hey Becca I hope you get the part" I say hugging her and giving her a piece of chocolate, we are all trying out for different parts Xo wants to try out for the dancer part because she said it seems fun and Becca is trying out for the singer because her voice is awesome but also madi is here she already has the part of the little sister and I'm gonna try out for the daughter of the mafia boss .

Background on the movie (TOO KIND)
A girl named Coralton Givenchy is the daughter of a mafia boss and when her dad goes to jail her mother takes over but she's not doing it right so her father asks her to take over and she does but she needs a team so she joins up with a couple of friends from school (Olivia -singer , Mia- dancer , Marco - bodyguard ) but along the way she finds a little girl (allie- the sister) she is scared and coral can't kill her so she takes her in but little does she know the girl has a bounty on her which is bad for business .

A few minutes ago we got our script and started reading over it for about 30 mins and when we finished it was time to start the open casting , I'm standing by Ruby and she goes before me "Hey I'm Coralton my friends call me coral though , nice to meet you are you new here? Well if so we should be friends" Ruby says acting not very good though idk what happened because Ruby wasn't a bad actor so I gave her a pat on the back "I'm sorry can I redo that?" She says calming down "sure but after everyone else" the director says seeing she was stressed "ok next y/n" he says pointing at me "and scene" he says "You must be Marco my dad hired you from jail wow , anyways I have a date tonight and don't come you're gonna ruin it" I say acting out my part with an attitude, I have another part too "what the fuck is your problem dude actually I think I might kill you tonight , yea I will bring me my knife!" I say with a angry face "and scene" the director says clapping for me , me and Ruby are the final contestants so we have to act out different parts together "alright scene" he says "hey have you seen oliva I haven't seen her all day and if something happened to her I'm gonna k- get mad yea get mad" I say almost blowing my mafia cover "nope I think she might be dancing though" Ruby says acting out a side line character and then we switch spots and now it's time to pick the winner of the part "alright I'm gonna let our guest tell you guys a few words" the director says getting out his clipboard, "well I think you guys are great but 1 of you have a really big ego and that's gonna tear you down" a girl says she plays the mom in the story "yea that's true but also 1 of you don't have enough ego and that can be fixed because you're a great actor !" The man says who plays the dad "well they said it all but you guys are really good" Miguel says winking at me , after a few minutes the director is ready "ok this part goes to.........Y/N GIEVION" he says smiling at me "omg no wayyy" I say jumping around "congratulations!!" Ruby says "thanks for the help earlier" she says giving me a hug and I hug her back "no problem and thanks" I say walking to Miguel "I got the part" I say smiling "you got the part" he says pulling me in for a hug and we start to walk outside and we see Becca Xo and madi "hey did y'all get the parts" I say to them and they look sad "uhm YEA WE GOT THE PARTS WOOP WOOP" they say jumping up and down "well guess what , I GOT THE PART TO" I say joining them with jumping "YEA YOU GOT THE LEAD ROLE!!!!" Xo says screaming , we head back to the hotel we are staying in and I was gonna call my family but to my surprise they are in my hotel room "SURPRISE " my family says "we heard you got the part and we had to come see you" Carla says hugging me tight and everyone else joins in "ok ok I can't breathe" I say dramatically and they let go "ok we got a spa date girls at 4 so gather your stuff" Julie says "ouuu ok" I say going to my closet to find something cute to wear , I leave my bun up and change my clothes

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