𝗢𝗵 𝗳𝗿 ???

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After a few minutes of undressing I put on some shorts and a sports bra and lays across my bed "I thought you were going on a date with miguel??" Julie says standing by the door "yea me too" I say closing my eyes "what happened" she says walking over "the comments and he made a joke about going out with Ruby and the fact that he even thought of that makes me mad bro" I say rolling over on my back "oh my god that's messed up Fr" she says walking to the door "I'm about to go get some food want anything?" She says "uhh yea Ice cream , mocha vanilla ofc and chocolate chip cookies" I say hand her 25$ "noo imma pay" she says shoving the money in my hand and I put it in my purse "thank youuu" I say hugging her and she walks out , after a few minutes there's a knock and I thought it was Julie but to my surprise it's not "what do you want bro" I say letting him in "I already told you I was coming over if you didn't text back and now I'm here" Miguel says walking in "still doesn't explain what you want" I say walking to my room "I want to talk because you're obviously still mad" he says following behind me "well we're talking so bye" I say sitting on my bed "how rude we haven't even had a full conversation" he says sitting next to me and I pull my phone out and start watching TikTok's "so your really not gonna talk to me??woww" he says trying to make a joke and I ignore him , he puts his arm around my neck (like a side hug) and I move it , I lay back while watching TikTok's and I'm boy crazy so Um my TikTok is full of hot boys and this one dude named Ian is so hot to me so I go straight to his TikTok and look at stuff I've already seen "who is that" Miguel says looking over my shoulder "none of your business gosh" I say turning my phone away from him and he snatches my phone from my hand "bro wtf leave me alone god damn" I say trying to take my phone back "not until you talk to me" he says putting my phone in his pants "you nasty bitch" I say with a disgusted face "don't careeee" he says rolling his eyes , I get up to get some water and he follows like a puppy "gah damn Ian going no where" I say getting a water bottle "you might" he says shrugging his shoulders , we walk back to the bedroom "ok talk" I say annoyed "angry much but why are you mad I said it was a joke??" He says sitting on the bed "I'm not mad" I say drinking my water "you clearly are so just tell me why" he says pulling me on the bed "omg I said I'm not mad don't push it" I say rolling my eyes "see you are just tell me" he says bugging me "fine the fact that you even thought about her makes me mad , I get you wanna joke around to but you could have said anyone else but her" I say putting my water down "it really wasn't much thought into that I just was thinking of what would make you mad like you made me , plus I was mad" he says trying to hug me and I push him away " you're unfair" he says crossing his arms "how?" I say "when you flirt with someone it's ok but when I make a joke it's not ok??" He says and I can tell he's mad "well I was joking" I say trying to defend myself "I was too but yet your still mad" he says making a good point "well you got mad at my joke and I got mad at your joke I think it's fair" I say still trying to defend myself "but I didn't get mad mad like you are rn" he says "well I'm sorry I'm sensitive" I say picking my water up "you don't need to be sorry you just need to talk me" he says softly "it's not easy to talk to someone you barely know" I say and it comes out really rude "oh Fr??? My bad then I'll just leave I'm like a stranger to you that's weird yk" he says getting up to leave "wait I didn't mean it like that and you know that" I say pulling his arm "do I tho??" He says pulling away and walking to the door "oh my fucking god yo you're pissing me off like you know what I meant" i say getting mad "well im sorry then I probably should have just let you be right? Should have never asked you out cause im a stranger correct?? Or am I missing something??" He says opening the door "yk what don't answer Imma just go" he says walking out and I walk behind him "why you following a stranger" he says walking faster and Idk if I'm Tripping but I think his voice is cracking "stop saying that I didn't mean it that way" I say trying to stop him "yea ok can you let me go so I can leave" he says stopping but not look at me "you crying??" I say trying to look him in the face "no leave me alone bro" he says pulling away from me "I'm sorry" I says trying to hug him "for what ??" He says walking to the lobby , i stop him and pull him back into my hotel room "ok now look at me" I say still trying to look at his face "for what??" He says avoiding looking at me , I pull his face to look at mine and his eyes are red , I just pull him in a hug "why you hugging a stranger??" He says pulling away "you're not a stranger in fact you're more than that to me I think of you as a boyfriend but ofc I wouldn't tell you that you have to ask me out and trust me you're better then Mason I just wanted to make a joke" I say avoiding eye contact cause I definitely wouldn't have said that looking at his face I would have chickened out "well I mean I could but probably on a date yk" he says grinning "oh shut up" I say pushing his shoulder and boom he kisses me and I kiss him back and iykyk it kinda went on for a few minutes got a little heated but I pulled away "we can't" I say already knowing what's gonna happen if I continued "I know I know" he says taking his shirt off "if you know what are you doing??" I say with a questionable face "I'm obviously taking my shirt off I'm hot" he says rolling his eyes "my gosh so sassy" I say hearing a knock , I walk to the door and open it and final Julie is back it took her a hour "finally" I say letting her in "I had to stop by a friends house first" she says and she sounds out of breath "what did you do??" I say grabbing my stuff "don't worry about that" she says running her fingers through her hair and it hits me "OMG YOURE NASTYYY EWWWW JULIE HAD SEXXX" I say screaming around the house "NO I DIDING YOU LIAR" she says pushing me on the couch and then Miguel comes out of my room with no shirt on "OMG MIGUEL IS HERE AND HES HALFWAY NAKED" Julie screams and James flies out of his room "ah hell nah Y/N THERE IS NO WAY YOU LET HIM IN YOUR ROOM WITH NO SHIRT ON" James says "uhh I can explain he was hot plus he has on pants so 🤷🏽‍♀️" I say shrugging my shoulders "y'all are nasty" James says getting his candy "yea ok but didn't I hear you and your gf do.." I say then he cuts me off "NO NO NO don't talk about that ok ??ok do what you want bye" he says running out "mhm ok anyways how was it??" I say looking at Julie "fuck you bye" she says flipping me off and walking out "perfect" I say smiling knowing I pissed everyone off 😚 , I walk back into my room with Miguel and we lay down and watch TikTok and again he keeps scrolling cause he sees guys "gah damn how many dudes on your Fyp Jesus" he says annoyed "Ykw no TikTok" he says turning my phone off "not you jealous" I say laughing at him "yea WTV" he says touching my chocolate and opening it and eating it !! "Oh you bitch" I say screaming "no fucking way you just ate my chocolate..my chocolate better appear when I open my eyes" I say dead ass serious and closing my eyes and opening them to see him dead ass enjoying it "so good" he says making me mad asfc and I don't even beat his ass I just lay down because I was having hella bad cramps and I wanted some chocolate soooo bad , after a few minutes of laying there Ignoring him he comes over and lays by me "I'll buy you some more" he says holding me "no I wanted that right now I don't want it later but I can't hav wit now cause YOU ate it" I say turning away from him "well I'm sorry I was only playing I didn't know" he says trying to defend himself "WHAT SENSE DOES IT MAKE TO EAT SOMEONES CHOCOLATE MIGUEL" I say sitting up "YEA NONE DUMMY" I say making this pouting face "you're cute when you're mad" he says cupping my face "really dude" I say annoyed , I move away to lay down because the cramps got worse "you ok??" He says laying beside me "no I'm not my stomach Hurts and I have a headache so move" I say scooting away from him "here" he says going into his bag giving me some brownies "OUUUU" I say opening the box diving in "to cute" he says laughing "shut up I'm trying to eat" I say with a mouth full of brownies , after a few minutes I finished eating and I have a drunk a coke so I feel semi better "I'm tired" Miguel says laying on my stomach , after a few minutes we ended up cuddling to sleep .

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