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Miguel's cousin is having a quinceanera and she invited me and she asked me to be in it but idk how to dance and I don't wanna ruin her dance entrance so Miguel is gonna teach me ! I'm very excited to learn actually I've seen videos on tiktok of girls dancing with people like that and I always wanted to try but idk how to start so yea .

Me and Miguel are heading to the rehearsal so the quinceanera and I'm nervous that I'll mess it up and embarrass myself , Miguel puts his hand on my thigh stoping me from bouncing my leg nervously "calm down me and you gonna be a different room to practice the dancing" he says reassuring me "ok that's good" I say smiling at him and pecking his cheek , when we arrive Selena Miguel's cousin greets me with open arms "hiii Selena" I say hugging her "hiiii love" she says and I just smile as she kisses my cheek "come meet my friends" she says pulling me over to them "Selena stop tryna take my gf" Miguel says obviously jealous "shut up" I say hitting his arm "ow" he says and Selena laughs "ok ok y/n this is Jenna , Sofía , ken , Brian , and my bf Carlos" she says pointing at them and they all wave "hi nice to meet you all!" I say and Jenna gives me a weird look I don't say anything about it though "so Miguel you are my partner right?" Jenna says grabbing onto Miguel's arm and I look at her with a '𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒖𝒑' look and she just clings onto his arm "uhm no I'm partnered with my gf" he says moving away "nice of you to call me that" she says smiling and I can't help but get second hand embarrassment and I laugh a little "what's funny??" She says "he wasn't referring to you" I say shrug my shoulders "yea this is my gf.." he says putting his arms around my neck "oh yea I know that I was just joking lol" she says and I just look around to see Selena holding in her laugh and she pulls me to the side "i literally hate Jenna my mom made me add her cause I was low on girls and her mom was my moms friend" she says rolling her eyes "she seems weird to" I say and she laughs a little "ok ok I'm gonna take you to your studio" she says and I follow behind her , we've been practicing for 30mins and this is hard you have to be so close together and it's really hot "ok one more time then a break" Miguel says and I nod , I grab his hands position myself and we start the music and we dance , Miguel dips me and my hand slips and I hit my head "shit" I yell cause it hurt like hell "oh crap my bad" Miguel says picking me up "it's fine" I say going to sit down and Jenna walks in "my partner left I need to practice with y'all we can take turns with Miguel" she says grabbing his hands and positioning herself and I just nod while wiping my head to make sure it's not bleeding and it's not "uh ok" Miguel says and I start the music and they dance , I hate how she's all up on him and she's a good dancer she's like grinding all up on him and he doesn't seem to not like it maybe I should drop out the performance , "y/n come on" Miguel says and I stand up and grab his hands but this time he has his hands on my hips and he's swaying me to the music "this is how you get the feel of the song makes it easier to dance to it if you know the rhythm of it" he says as he starts to step back and forth and it gets easier so I start to dance to it and then I grab his hands and we do the dance and this time I did a good job "omgg you did so good y/n" Selena says coming through the door "let me dance with her" she says pushing Miguel and grabbing my hands "get off my gf selena" Miguel says pouting and I laugh and start dancing with selena and she dips me and pulls me back up quick "okkk y/n got them moves now , next step is to find you a new man at the quinceanera" she says and I laugh "she doesn't need one stop being a bad i club Selena" Miguel says rolling his eyes and pushing her "you probably don't even kiss her right" she says and she laughs causing me to laugh at her laugh it's so funny and weird "wanna bet" Miguel says and I don't listen and he pulls me and kisses me this time it's different like it's really passionate or something idk but I did very much enjoy it 🤭 "nasty ass" Selena says walking out "mhm" Jenna says from behind us and she walks out "you wanna go?" Miguel asked grinning at my flustered face "yea" I say grabbing his hand sand we leave , when we got to his house I flopped down on the bed tired asf "eww stinky take a shower" he says and I flip him off "shut up bitch" I say getting up and I push him and he laughs , I grab my clothes and this new matching underwear set I got from pink "ouuu you gonna put that on for meeee??" Miguel says obviously joking with a stupid grin "no I have another bf I want to see tonight" I say and I run to the bathroom and lock the door "play to much" Miguel says walking away from the door and I turn on the shower and start a live "heyy guyss" I say to the live and see some comments saying hey "y'all I'm like so bored I might go to Carla's house later on but idk" I say and they are asking how my relationship is "it's good so far, ou y'all go to pink and get a matching underwear set look at mine" I say showing them my red set it has a little bit of laces but it has kisses and the comments say 'gotta get me one that's cute' 'ouuu for Miguel!' "It's for me not Miguel" I say cocky asf and I laugh at myself and I make this duck face and the comments say 'new pfp lmaooo' "do not take no pictures of me I'm acting a fool rn" I say laughing and I forgot I had the shower on "oh y'all I gotta go I finna get in the shower I'll get back on later when I'm done" I say waving and I end the live .

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