The Demon-Glass

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Tennessee's POV

I just kept on fighting. I didn't know where the rest of my Coven was, but I knew they were fighting. We'd just returned from Tegan and Emersyn's birthday party when Azazel, Asmodeus and a whole army of demons were knocking on Eden's front door.

I saw a flash of bright sunlight, and smiled, despite the demon attack. I was very happy for Lily and Easton, and it was nice to have our Sun back.

I accidentally backed into someone. I turned around, prepared to attack, only to see Hope looking at me the same way I was probably looking at her.


"Haven, we-!"

It was all we managed to get out before my chest started hurting. I fearfully looked down at my right hand and saw the crystal there was bright red. My heart almost stopped in my chest.

"Haven!" I blinked and looked at my little sister. "I'll clear a path, you just get to her!" Right, get to Tegan. Whatever had happened to her, or was going to happen to her, wouldn't be good. I could feel it.

Just as I could spot my soulmate among the horde of demons, Azazel appeared with something in his hand that made me sick to my stomach. Demon-glass. And he was staring right at Tegan. She hadn't seen him yet, and there was no way I could reach her in time. "TEGAN! BEHIND YOU!" My soulmate spun around and her eyes widened as the shard of demon glass hit her square in the chest. Time seemed to slow down, though I knew it was only for me. I heard a scream behind me and knew that it was Hope seeing her best friend crumpled over on the ground. My chest hurt even more, but I could already tell that the glyph on my hand would be flashing bright red.

All at once, every single demon disappeared. I could tell when everyone saw Tegan because of her family's cries. I was numb. I didn't feel anything except the need to get to my soulmate, to have her tell me that she was fine, that this was another one of her schemes, but in my heart I knew it wasn't. She wouldn't have done that to her family, to Hope, to me. So that meant this was real.

When I reached Tegan, I just collapsed. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. Normally I would try to be strong, to keep my emotions hidden, but I couldn't this time. I couldn't lose her. She was my other half, my soulmate. Even though I knew there was no cure to demon-glass, I would try everything to get her better again.

Bettina's POV

I watched as Kessler put his hand on Haven's shoulder. I fully expected my brother to whip around with his dagger out, prepared to attack. It was very worrying when he did nothing but keep staring into space. I was scared for my best friend, but I was also scared for my brother. I'd seen Tegan when Haven was in a similar situation, and I feared he would react the same way - going on a solo mission to find whatever would save her.

I could see in Kessler's eyes that he was just as scared as I was. He quickly picked up Haven and whisked him off to the house, where I knew Tegan, who had been brought away by Myrtle and Katherine, would be lying on one of the beds in the basement, slowly losing her life. I knew my brother wouldn't be able to get through this alone - Hell, neither would I. Tegan was my best friend since we were four. I raced over to the house without a second thought, following Kessler and my brother.

Emersyn's POV

My brain wouldn't believe it. My sister - the High Priestess, the Aether Witch, our fQueen of Darkness, the Emperor's soulmate, a Bishop, one of only four twins in the arcana species - was on one of the hospital beds. I didn't know how much longer I could handle the intensity in the room. My parents, Coop and Bentley were somewhere upstairs. Bettina was pacing around the room, frequently giving her brother a hug. Tenn was... a complete and utter wreck. I knew how it felt to lose your soulmate. It would've happened to me had Tegan not been there. My eyes teared up just thinking about it.

The Final Witch - The Coven Saga (Chandelle LaVaun) FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora