New Story & Update

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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for reading! Sadly, this is the end of the book. This was my first book I've ever published (also the only book I've ever really finished...), and it was so much fun to write.

I am in the process of writing a new book called 'Descendants Retold'. It is a fanfic based off of the Descendants series, both the Disney movies and the Melissa De La Cruz books.

As a peace offering because of the wait, here is a sneak peek of the cover:

As a peace offering because of the wait, here is a sneak peek of the cover:

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Again, thank you everyone for reading!

SIgning off for the last time on this book...


The Final Witch - The Coven Saga (Chandelle LaVaun) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now