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Okay, this is not a part of the story, but I just realised something about the Coven series.

So, Bentley was born on February 21, 2009. Tegan and Emersyn were born August 1, 2002, Which makes Bentley 6 years, 6 months, and 20 days younger than the twins.

When Bentley is in the Wild Night, he ages 7 years. The end of The Death Witch is Valentine's Day, February 14, 2019, which is 7 days before Bentley's 17th birthday, February 21, 2019.

Tegan and Emersyn's 17th birthday isn't until August 1, 2019.

This means that after he gets back from the Wild Night, Bentley is actually older than Tegan and Emersyn.

The books say that he's still younger though.... How on earth did I only just notice this?

If someone else has already figured this out or if this makes any sense to you, please let me know!

- AlibooJ

The Final Witch - The Coven Saga (Chandelle LaVaun) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now