The Healing

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Bentley's POV

I looked around at the group around me. They were my Coven, my family. So why was it so hard to tell them? They were all staring at me.

"Benny?" Bettina asked. 'What did you want to tell us?"

I glanced at Tenn. He was a wreck. I needed to help him. C'mon, Bentley, you need to open your mouth and talk!

"Well... I have something that might help Tegan."

Tenn's head shot up and his eyes met mine. "How do we do it? Is it a spell?"

"First, you have to know, it's only a fifty-fifty chance that it'll work."

"And what happens if it doesn't work?"

"She stays the same." Everyone understood the hidden meaning of my words. If the spell failed, Tegan would continue to die.

"We still have to do it." Tenn said. I knew that everyone agreed, and not just because Tenn and Tegan were our Coven Leaders. No one could imagine losing her. She was a part of the Coven, a part of the family. "So, Bentley, how do we do it?"

I took a deep breath. "You don't do it. Only another Aether Witch can heal the Aether Witch from demon-glass."

"But we don't know another Aether Witch!" Willow cried. "How are we supposed to help her?"

"See, thing is..." I said. "You do know another Aether Witch."

"Who is it, son?" My dad asked.

"Me." I replied. Everyone looked at me with confused expressions so I summoned my magic. A small cloud of rainbow mist hovered above my palm.

"WHAT?" Everyone shouted at once.

"Long story." I said. I made the mist disappear. "The night you left on the Hierophant's Locket quest, I talked to Valathame through my dream. I knew that I was a witch and that I was the Hierophant already. She told me that, like Tegan, I was an Aether Witch, because there would be a time when her powers were needed but Tegan couldn't do it. She said that I would have to cloak my magic and not use it to its full potential until she said, because no one could know. Last night, she told me that it was time."

"That's why the spell earlier was rainbow." Emersyn said. "Not because everyone's magic was combined, but because you joined in with your magic uncloaked."

"Bentley?" Tenn asked quietly. "When... Tegan took our magic back in October, how did you not pass out or something? It was pretty rough for me, and I have less magic than you."

"Well..." I felt a small grin spread across my face. "Tegan didn't actually take my magic. She didn't know about me being the Aether Witch, so she didn't know that I'd set up an undetectable spell so that she couldn't borrow my magic. I just acted like the rest of you, and you all believed me." My statement was met with complete silence.

Finally, Easton spoke up. "Man, that's some confusing shit. How did you stop Tegan from knowing you were the Aether Witch?"

"And how did you not lose control of your magic?" My mom chimed in.

"Well, Valathame helped with Tegan, she just secretly put a spell on Tegan that made it so that if she heard or saw something, she didn't look into it. And I was there every time Tegan was training with her magic. I learned from Mom how to do Astral Projection and just had a clone of myself following Tegan. Then, each night, I would use the same trick, had my clone be me in my bed, fast asleep, while I was out in the middle of the ocean by Tampa, training with my magic."

"So, Bentley, do you need our help with the spell?" Tenn asked.

"Umm... I do, actually. I hate that I have to do this, but I need to borrow everyone's magic, like Tegan did." Everyone's eyebrows shot up their foreheads.

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