The Sacrifice

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Tennessee's POV

I ran towards my soulmate. The glittering shard of black glass was aiming straight for her.

"Tegan!" I shouted at her, hoping she would notice and move. "BEHIND YOU!!!"

I woke up with a start. It was that dream again, that memory. I felt something soft against my back and I turned to find Tegan giving me a hug. "What was it, babe?"

"A dream." I mumbled.


"You, Kitten. And the demon-glass. Again."

She squeezed me tighter. "I'm fine, Tenn. Benny healed me. You don't need to worry. Plus, we're extra safe now; we have two Aether Witches! I didn't even know that was possible."

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"Ugh, it's 7:45. We have to get up, babe. Coven meeting in fifteen minutes."

"Yeah, you're right. Remind me again why we schedule these for such a ridiculous time in the morning?"

"Benny scheduled this one, actually." She reminded me. "Not us this time."

"Well then why did Bentley schedule the meeting for such a ridiculous time in the morning?"

"I have no clue, you can ask him when we get down there." She got off the bed and walked towards her closet, flicking her wrist to light the fireplace as she went.

"Show off." I chuckled.

"Hey, like you wouldn't do the same thing if you could control fire."

I shrugged. Then I looked at the clock. "C'mon, babe, Bentley's meeting is starting in a minute, we really need to go." I'd slept in my clothes. I do it every time there's an early Coven meeting, knowing that I won't wake up with enough time to find clean clothes, get them on, and get downstairs.

"Coming!" I heard Tegan's shout and then saw a flash of bright light. When my eyes had adjusted, I was shocked to find that I was in the living room, surrounded by my Coven-mates and friends.

"Wow, Tenn's finally on time to a meeting? Since when did this start happening?" Lily asked.

"He's fully dressed as well." Henley added. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch.

You realise I can still hear you, right? I said telepathically to everyone. They all looked around in surprise. I chuckled. Do none of you remember I can do this now?

I can do it too. Bentley said into our minds. I've practised with the sharks who come to visit me by my training area. That's why they like me so much.

"Ok, could everyone start talking out loud?" Easton said loudly. "It's getting really creepy."

"What's getting really creepy?" I heard Tegan ask from behind me. I turned to see her standing in the kitchen, beside the living room, though we could all see her perfectly fine because of the open floor plan.

"Tenn and Bentley talking telepathically with all of us." Royce complained.

You mean like this? Tegan said.

"Yep, just like that. Now stop, everyone." Easton was tipping his chair so that it was only on two legs. I couldn't help it, I used my magic to tip his chair back. "Tenn, don't do that!" He yelled. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Bentley waved his hand and Easton and his chair were back upright.

"Guys, we need to talk." He said, and everyone immediately focused on him. All the laughter was gone. I loved how my Coven-mates could become so serious so quickly, yet still laugh and joke around. They definitely understood that laughter is the best medicine.

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