The Spell

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Tegan's POV

I grabbed Cassandra's hand as was whisked away. When I finally got my bearings, I took in the room. It was a cosy living room with mahogany floors and wooden walls, as if they'd taken trees and just put them side by side. I was totally asking Lennox to make an upgrade to my room when I got back.

There was a loud crash and the entire house shook. Normally, I would be able to keep myself upright, but right now, my magic was weak, so I couldn't. Saffie reached out and grabbed me, holding me upright. I glanced around, surprised that none of them had fallen over when I remembered that all of them, except Saffie, were angels, and Saffie was actually flying right now.

"I'm good, Saf. You can put me down now." When I reached the ground, I turned to Lucifer. "What's that?"

Lucifer cursed. He ran a hand through his hair, something that I'd noticed Malachi and Riah do whenever they were stressed. "Valathame, Malachi, Riah, come with me." He turned to face Cassandra. "Azrael, I need you to show Saffie and Chloe to their rooms, then bring Tegan to hers and explain the rules.

Rules? I frowned up at Cassandra but didn't ask my questions yet. She would answer them later, and I knew that I shouldn't delay Lucifer and the others from getting out there. Cassandra took my hand and motioned for Saffie and Chloe to follow us before walking through one of the doorways leading out of the room.

"Cass, what was that?" I demanded as soon as we rounded the corner.

Cassandra continued walking at her fast speed, and it wasn't too long until I had to jog to keep up with her. "Not right now, Tegan, I'll explain later." She shoved open the first door along the hallway we were in and gestured for Chloe to enter. "Stay there until Malachi comes for you." She continued along the hallway until the next door, repeating the same process for Saffie. "Wait for Riah."

We ran down another couple of hallways until we reached a dead end with only one door. It flew open as Cassandra barged into it. As soon as I was across the threshold, she slammed it shut behind me and sighed. "Sorry about that." She led me over to the bed in the middle of the room and sat down, pulling me down with her.

"What did your dad mean by 'the rules'?" I asked her.

She sighed. "There are a few rules that you cannot break while you are here, for your own safety. This is my room, you'll be in here with me so that I can keep an eye on you all the time. You can't leave the building at all, and don't go anywhere inside without me except this room. And finally..." She grimaced. "You can't use your magic the entire time you're here."

My breath left me in a rush. I can't use my magic for a year? I shook myself. This is to make sure that you can keep your magic the rest of your life, Tegan. You don't have a choice. "Ok."

Cassandra smiled at me. "I can send messages to Tenn and the others for you. Or, Omnael can, at least."

I shook my head and chuckled. "I still can't believe Bentley is an angel." Then I realised that there was something I needed before I couldn't use my magic anymore. "Cass, how am I going to get books for the next year? I can't survive without reading."

She grinned and tugged my arm, pulling me towards the other door in her room, one I hadn't noticed until now. She pushed it open and I frowned at the small closet-sized room. Inside, there was a pale grey machine with a decent sized slot and a black square above it. "What's this?"

"The best part of my room." She tapped the black square and it lit up. Oh, it's a tablet. "Watch this." In the search bar that had appeared at the top of the screen, she typed 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', then pushed the button that said 'Done'. The machine whirred and a flap closed over the slot. After a few seconds, it lifted back up and my jaw dropped when I saw the book from the series I loved so much sitting there.

"So this works for any book?" I asked Cassandra.

She nodded. "And there's also this." She pushed on the wall panel beside us, and it spun around to reveal a cosy little reading room, with everything book related thing I could ever need. My jaw dropped.

"I'm never leaving this room." I whispered.

"Umm..." I turned around to see Cassandra making a face. "What?"

"Well... we still have to start the spell today, but after that you can stay here."

"Ok." I sighed. "How do we do this?"

"Well, first my dad needs to come get us," Just as Cass finished her sentence, Lucifer opened the door.

"Come on, we need to get started." He led us back to the living room, where Valathame, Malachi, Chloe, Riah and Saffie were waiting. "Tegan, I need you in the middle of the pentagram." He pointed to the floor, where said pentagram was marked with salt. I took a deep breath and walked over. Valathame, Lucifer, Malachi, Riah and Cassandra each took a point. Saffie and Chloe stood off to the side.

"Wait, is this going to hurt? Because if so, then I should tell Tennessee, otherwise he'll panic because his glyph will change."

"Yes, this will probably hurt, but your glyph won't change." When I gave Valathame a confused look, she pointed to my chest. "Look."

When I pulled down my jacket, I immediately noticed the bright white colour of my glyph. I frowned. That only happens when it first appears, not after that. I looked back up with equal confusion as I had before.

Cassandra pulled down her shirt to show me her glyph, which was also white. "Whenever two soulmates aren't on the same plane, so Heaven, Hell and Earth - which includes the other realms of Earth - their glyphs go white and don't change until they're back on the same plane."

Oh. That makes more sense... ish. "Ok, so what do you need me to do now?"

Valathame smiled at me. "Just stand there while we do the spell." Her, Lucifer, Cassandra, Malachi and Riah began chanting in the angelic tongue. I knew how to speak it, but the sharp pain that shot down my spine broke my concentration entirely. My head began aching, as if someone was trying to inflate my brain like a balloon. I hovered a few feet off the ground.

I gritted my teeth as their chanting grew louder and the pain grew stronger. It kept getting worse and worse until, all of a sudden, their chanting stopped, and I dropped to the ground. My entire body ached, so I didn't move. I opened my eyes to see all of the others standing above me with concerned expressions on their faces.

"I'm alright." I groaned as I sat up. "I'm good. Do we really have to do that every day?"

"Sadly, yes." Cassandra gave me a sad smile. "Come on, you can use my book machine now."

As she led me back down the hallway to her room, I said, "I'm going to need you to make me one of those book machines."

Cassandra snorted. "I'll tell you what, if you can teach Spot a trick with no magic, then I'll make you your own book machine."

I grinned at her. "Challenge accepted."



I know that this chapter is short, but after this, Tegan basically has the same routine each day for the next year, so I'm not going to write anymore, because everything else can be told in Tenn and everyone else's perspectives of the year.

Thanks so much for reading!

- AlibooJ

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