The Tower

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10 Months - Tennessee's POV

I scowled at my vibrating phone. I had no clue who was calling me at three o'clock in the morning, but I was too tired to really care too much.

I sighed when it stopped and started buzzing again. I really needed to check it, to make sure it wasn't someone in danger. My eyes widened when I saw that it was Katherine who was calling me, and I picked up my phone immediately.

I answered the call. "Katherine?" I asked.

She sighed with relief. "Thank Goddess, Tenn, I thought you'd never answer."

My pulse sped up and I suddenly felt wide awake. "Katherine, is anyone hurt? What's going on?" I asked her frantically.

"It's Frankie." She told me. "She's out of the hospital."

"Where is she now?" I asked Katherine.

"She's at her old house. Ask Bentley to portal you here."

"Will do" I hung up and raced downstairs, yelling at everyone else with my mind as I went, Everyone WAKE UP! We need to go somewhere!

A minute later, the ceiling shook as everyone came down the stairs. Our pets came out from their rooms down the hallway and everyone joined me in the living room.

"What's up, son?" My father asked.

Frankie." I explained. "New Tower. Katherine called me to say that she left the hospital."

White light flashed as Bentley's portal opened in the middle of a sapien street. The house in front of us was normal sized, no one would think anything of it, but I could feel Frankie's magic from here. Our new Tower was powerful.

"Oh good, you're all here." Katherine said. She was standing behind a bush opposite Frankie's house. She waved for us to join her.

"When did she leave the hospital?" I asked her.

"She woke up on Valentine's Day." Our Lead Healer explained. "She only left today, apparently it took them a long time to fully heal her, and also they needed to give her time to adjust."

"She was awake but in the hospital for almost sixteen months?"

Katherine grimaced. "Yeah, it took her a while to adjust to the fact that she'd been in a coma for four months, and they also did tons of tests on her to make sure she was good to go, and some of them needed to be repeated, which took a long time."

"Human healing is way more complicated than arcana healing." Lily commented.

A thought rushed into my head and I asked, "Has anyone checked on Paulina recently?"

My father nodded and grimaced. "I checked on her yesterday."

"How is she doing?" I demanded.

He sighed. "All good." After Tegan wiped our old Death card's memories, we brought her to a human apartment. My soulmate made her forget everything about arcana, making her think she was human. Tegan assured me that, if needed, or if we found Braison, she could give Paulina back her memories, but we wouldn't unless we had to.

"Okay then." I turned to Katherine. "When can we meet Frankie?"

"Now, probably. Her family and her best friend aren't here." She sighed. "We have to be ready for her to panic, though. She doesn't know anything about arcana."

"Alright then." I led the way to our new Tower's front door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

I heard footsteps coming down stairs and a few seconds later, the door creaked open. A head of bright pink hair popped out and Frankie frowned. "Hello, who are you?"

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