1 - First Meet

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The turtles are backed into a corner, surrounded by Foot Clan ninjas. "Leo, what do we do?" Donnie asked. "I'm thinking," the blue-clad leader hissed through his teeth.

Suddenly, a large blur rushed past them and slammed into the ninjas. Multiple went flying, while those who kept their composure quickly started to fight. After a few minutes, most of the ninjas were unconscious.

"Come with me," a person said, grabbing Leo's arm. They dragged the turtles toward an unknown destination.

Leo studied the person as they lead the turtles through the back alleys. They had long pink hair pulled into a small bun near the bottom of their neck, large eyebags, and baggy clothes. Most of their face was hidden by a monster mask, and they seemed mildly irritated. "You four are becoming a real pain in my ass, y’know that?"

Once they entered the back door of a building, the human discarded the baseball bat they'd used to be the shit out of the Foot Clan. They pulled the mask down around their neck. "Sit down and relax, I'm gonna go grab some medical supplies."

"Woah! Look at all this cool stuff!" Mikey said excitedly. There was a dartboard full of arrows, a couple of arcade machines, various books and mechanical tools discarded around the room, a skateboard, a table covered in comic books and blueprints, a 3D printer in one corner, and a kitchen full of junk.

They came back around the corner into a hallway that Donnie guessed probably lead to a bathroom and bedroom.

"Why are you helping us?" Leo asked as they dumped the supplies on the stool at the end of the couch.

"Because I'm not a dickbag?" They replied, passing each turtle different things. "Does anyone need an icepack?" "I would like one," Donnie said, wrapping a bandage around his wrist. "Wait hold on! You can't just keep running around and helping us without an explanation!" Raph interrupted. The human rolled their eyes. "Let me get him an ice pack. Then I'll explain." With that, they walked away again.

"They seem cool! And did you see how they beat up those ninjas? It was quick and effective!" Mikey grinned. Raph humphed. "Well if pea-brain over here had thought up a plan faster we could beat them too." He jerked his chin towards Leo.

"Don't blame me! I was panicking!" Leo growled back. "Besides, we should be thankful to them, who knows what would've happened if they hadn't showed up?"

"We would've kicked some Foot Clan ass! That's what would've happened! That's what always happens!" Raph practically shouted. "What would Splinter say if he knew we were saved by someone with a baseball bat??!"

Donnie interjected. "He probably would've been upset we'd been seen then give us a lesson about accepting others' help."

"Here's your ice pack," the person said, handing it to the talking turtle. "So what questions do you have for me?"

"Let's start with the basics; Who are you? Why did you help us? You're not working for the Shredder right?" Leo started. They laughed. "Of course I'm not working with Shredder. He's an asshole. I'm Kaos- they/glitch/ghost pronouns- and I helped you because you looked like you could use it."

"That's... it?" Raph asked. "You helped us because you thought we needed it? Nothing else?!"

Kaos shrugged. "Look man, if you don't want my help you're more than welcome to leave. And hopefully take those stupid ninjas with you. They've been tormenting my neighborhood for weeks now, and it's really annoying."

The turtles exchanged a glance. "What do you mean? I thought they were just after us." Donnie replied.

"They are. Shredder's pissed off at them 'cause they haven't captured you lot yet. So they've been cornering people and asking them if they know anything," Kaos replied, starting to gather up what was left of the medical supplies. "I've been patrolling around to make sure they don't bug anybody else. These people are under my protection, and some ninjas don't scare me. Especially when they're too stupid to try a new tactic with attacking you."

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