5 - Mildly Concerning

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When Kaos came back with a purple sleeveless shirt on, Donnie nearly laughed. They plopped down on the couch again, turning to the staff-wielding turtle. "So what's up? Is there something in particular you wanted to talk about?"

Donnie hesitated for a minute. Maybe the guys are right... I should just wait for them to tell us more about themself... He gave them a grin, looking a bit guilty (not that Kaos would mention that). "I was wondering about the stuff you and your friends build? The stuff in the garage."

Kaos gave him a sly smirk. "What, worried I'm gonna take your spot? Nah, I'm just teasing. Come on, I'll show you some of our stuff."
After a few hours, an angry Raph slammed open the door to the garage. "There you are! We've been lookin' for you for an hour now!"

Donnie blinked. "I said I was going to Kaos', didn't I?" Kaos also blinked. "Did you not tell them you were coming here?" Raph facepalmed. "We knew you were coming here, but we figured you wouldn't be gone for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!!" Kaos gave Raph an exasperated look. "Really?"

It shrugged. "Mikey raided your fridge and is trying to make one of those freezer pizzas." Kaos ran passed him. "MIKEY NO DON'T BURN MY HOUSE DOWN." Donnie shook his head at them as Raph smirked.

There was a moment of silence as Donnie turned back to the bike he and Kaos had started making. "...So did you ask them?" Raph's voice echoed out. Donnie didn't even look up from his weld. "No. I decided you guys were right. I need to be patient and respect Kaos' boundaries." Raph lightly patted his older brother on the shoulder. "Good man. We were thinking of taking a break and going back to the farmhouse with Splinter, Casey, and April again. Hopefully with less incidents this time. D'you think they'd wanna go?"

"That sounds fun. And I'm sure they would but I don't know if their injury-" Donnie stopped, already sensing the mistake he'd made.

"Wait. They're injured?! Why didn't you tell us!?!?!" Raph started shouting. Donnie gave him a scared smile. "I-It was their choice... I figured they wouldn't want it to be common knowledge!"

"Pizza's ready! We've got meat lovers or pepperoni and black olive," Kaos called to the rest of the house. "Got admit pinky, your house isn't half bad," Casey mentioned as he helped April carry blueprints and comics off the table so they could actually use it.

"Pinky isn't the best nickname there Jones, but I'll allow it for now," was Kaos' reply as they walked over with extra chairs. "And Mikey: get away from the pizza before I take back my promise to teach you how to make homemade biscuit pizzas." Mikey whined as they flopped down in a chair with his head on the table.

"So Kaos, what were you and Donnie working on anyway? And sorry for invading," Leo said, trying to make civil conversation. "We were making a new bike. Figured it wouldn't hurt to maybe get some turtle gear for myself," Kaos smirked as they server-style brought the cut pizzas to the almost full table.

They laughed as everyone started to reach for the food. "I will admit, I think this the most full this table has ever been with people. And you can only start with two slices so everyone gets food," they chided the greedy hands.

"What?! That's a dumb rule!" Mikey whined. Kaos tutted. "That was always the rule back home, and since we're in my house it's the rule here too. Anyone want anything to drink? I'm gotta soda, milk, water, juice... take your pick."

There were a few requests as Kaos went back to the fridge. "Aren't you gonna sit and eat?" Raph said suspiciously. Kaos shot him a look. "I'm not used to guests. Let me have this."

"Are you sure it isn't because your side hurts and working distracts you from it?"

Kaos froze at Raph's accusing tone. So did most of the table. They cleared their throat and continued pouring glasses. "I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about Raphael."

Mikey oooh. "You got full named." Leo fixed xyr posture to look around Casey. "Kaos. Are you hurt? What is Raph talking about?" Kaos balanced the cups on a serving tray and ignored Leo's question, passing out the drinks with ease. After a few more seconds Leo's tone hardened. "Kaos. Are you hurt?"

Raph groaned. "Just tell them! Donnie already told me!" Kaos gritted their teeth. "I'm fine. It's barely a scratch."

"Yea just a scratch Donnie had to help you bandage," Raph muttered. If looks could kill, the red-clad turtle would've been six feet under. "Raphael. If you do not stop you can leave." The tone was quiet yet somehow that made it more terrifying. He grunted.

"He's just concerned; though he'll never admit it." April defended, attempting to defuse the tension. Kaos exhaled slowly, taking the seat next to Leo, in between her and Casey. "I know. I'm just sick of people pitying me because of injuries. I'll be alright, I promise," The pinkette's long hair hide most of their face as everyone returned to eating.

"I'm sorry for pushing you on it," Raph grumbled softly after a minute or so. "Are you sure that you'll be alright?" Leo added, looking at them as they nibbled on their piece of pizza. They huffed a laugh. "Oh yeah. This isn't close to the worst injury I've had, I'll walk it off."

Casey glanced at them. "What happened? Was it a mighty battle?" Kaos rolled their eyes fondly (PLATONIC FONDNESS). "Well duh. I was fighting FootBots and apparently Rahzar didn't appreciate that I was taking out the bots so easily. So he stabbed me. And then I kicked him into the harbor."

"He stabbed you?!" Mikey yelped. "That sounds painful!"

Leo shrugged. "I guess now we know his claws don't have like poison in them or anything." Kaos shook their head. "Nope, just super pointy."

There were a few minutes before pizza was done with minimal conversation. After food was done, Kaos proposed watching a movie on their TV if people were up to it, asking Raph to help them get some chairs from the basement.

"So... you're sure you're alright?" Raph asked as they went to grab the chairs. Kaos let out a tired huff of air. "Would it make you feel better if I let you see the bandages?" He shrugged.

Kaos lifted their shirt enough for him to see the bandages their older brother had helped them wrap. "See? It hasn't even bled through. I'll be fine."

Raph sighed. "Alright, alright, I get it! But don't tell the guys about this." Kaos shook their head with a grin. "Of course. Gotta keep that tough guy front up."

The pair carried two spare chairs Kaos had never had need of back upstairs so there was room for everyone around their TV (which was plenty bigger than the turtles'). As everyone got settled in, Kaos picked an animated action movie, figuring most of them would enjoy it.
hey! this chapters a bit shorter, but whoa, two chapters in a day?! I think I'm gonna set a new record of myself. this is even worse then when i wrote just a Coven scout. speaking of which, I should work on that. whatever. hope you enjoy this!

word count: 1253

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