3 - Accidentally Reveal

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"So... your sensei. Is he scary? I'm sure he's powerful, and I don't wanna make, like, a bad first impression... So is there like anything in particular- besides like siding with your enemies- that would piss him off I can avoid?" Kaos questioned as they shined a flashlight around the area they were walking in. Leo shrugged. "No, just don't pose a threat to his family or friends, and don't try and fight him. Otherwise I think you'll be fine."

Kaos kicked a can. "Not to be nosy or anything, but how did you guys come to this?"

Donnie blinked. "What do you mean?" Kaos rubbed the back of their head, avoiding eye contact. "Like the whole... ninja turtles protecting New York and living in the sewers thing..? I dunno, there's gotta be a story there. How did you meet all your allies? What exactly is Shredder and the KRAANG's deal?"

"You'll find out in due time. We've learned our lesson with hastily giving away information," Raph huffed. Kaos raised their hands in a sort of surrender fashion. "Fair enough. I've been there."

"Ooh, ooh! Maybe after they meet Master Splinter, we can both exchange stories! April and Casey should be there too-" Mikey was cut off by a fist to the skull.

"Mikey! What part of 'find out in due time' do you struggle with?!" Raph yelled. Kaos laughed. "Oh yeah. You're all definitely siblings."

Leo and Donnie gave each other a look. "Did... you have siblings at some point Kaos?" Leo asked, pausing in the group's path. Kaos' eyes widened. "O- oh, yeah. I told you the photos in the shoebox were old family photos. B- but that's nothing," Kaos tried to shrug off the topic, moving around the turtles. "We probably shouldn't keep your sensei waiting..."

"That wasn't suspicious," Raph muttered, letting go of Mikey's head. "It's their business. And they make a fair point. Let's go!" Leo replied. With that, the group moved down the sewer tunnels.
By the time they reached the lair, Kaos had started joking around with the guys. "Sensei! We brought Kaos with us!" Leo called as they entered the abandoned station that they called home.

"Who?" April and Casey asked at the same time from where they were sitting on the couch watching some animated action show. "They're our new friend!" Mikey smiled, leaping over the back of the couch.

"Is Sensei in the dojo?" Leo asked the redhead. She nodded. "Yeah, he said he was going to meditate while waiting for you all to get home. He did mention something about a new person." Leo nodded. "Alright. I'll go get him. Kaos, you can wait here."

The pinkette nodded. Casey narrowed his eyes at them. "So your name is... Chaos? Like C-H-A-O-S?" They glared at him. "No. Its Kaos. K-A-O-S. It's Greek." Casey humphed. "See you stealing my idea for the whole vigilante thing."

April pushed him lightly with her foot. "Casey! Be nice."

Kaos shrugged, a sly smirk gracing their features. "No, no, it's alright. But understand this, Casey Jones, I have been doing this for much longer than you have, and I did not choose to protect the people in my neighborhood. I was simply the only one who could do it."

Casey groaned again. "Ugh. You're another one of those people, huh? I grew up on these streets, I'll protect them the same as anyone else who knows what this situation is!" He sat up straighter, placing a fist over his chest.

Kaos' grin grew, eyes darkening. "One of those people, eh, Jones? Says the one trying to prove his worth. I am here because I extended the hand of assistance to those I deemed needed it. I may not originate from the city, but I am going to keep innocents safe. I will not let them be harmed. And I certainly will not be helpless again." They crossed their arms, allowing Casey to see exactly the person under the mask they usually wore. "And let me explain one thing; I will not threaten you. I will not threaten those you hold dear. I will not stoop to the level of your enemies. But I will make sure that you understand I am not a threat to your friendship with the turtles, or April. Or a threat to the meager status you hold as a vigilante. I am not here to fight any of you. I am here because I'm willing to help and do what is necessary to make sure families see each other again at the end of the day. Because there is nothing- NOTHING- more soul-devastating than learning you did not protect those you love when you were capable. Or living with the guilt of knowing just maybe there was something you could've done when everyone tells you there was nothing. I am not a threat to you Jones. Or anyone here. Or this lair. Even if you all decide I'm not someone you consider a friend; even if you decide you don't need my help; I am NEVER going to sell you to your enemies. This is clearly a safehaven for you all. And I will keep it that way to the best of my ability. Understood?"

Casey blinked. Actually the whole room blinked. Including Splinter and Leo, who had reentered in time to hear Kaos' slight speech. As the words fizzled and popped out of existence on Kaos' tongue, as the heavy air of silence settled on the room, the new human's eyes widened. They covered their mouth, as if just realizing what they'd admitted; what dots could be connected from their words.

"M- my apologies, that was more than I, uh, intended to say-" the stuttered words fell from their pale lips as they stumbled back. "I- I swear there isn't like a deeper m- meaning or anything-"

"Mx. Kaos," Splinter interrupted. They swallowed and turned towards the rat. "Y-yes?" He gestured for them to follow him back into the dojo. "I would like to speak with you personally."
The human sat in front of the ninjutsu master. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" they attempted to start. Splinter stopped them. "You do not need to apologize. But tell me; did you lose someone of importance to you?"

Kaos gulped again before hanging their head and picking at their nails. "...yes... I- I lost my parents and siblings in an accident years ago." Splinter rested a hand on their shoulder. "I also lost someone of importance to me; I understand if you wish to keep it a secret. But I must admit I find it interesting that you did not come from the city. Did you move here to escape old memories?"

They nodded. "But it seems the past doesn't like to leave you be."

Splinter hummed his agreement. "Tell me about your home before now. And in turn I will tell you of my once life." Kaos' eyes flickered with a spluttering fire as they recalled their home to the mutant sensei.
would you believe me if I said I wrote this in one class period. if you don't, that's understandable. anyway. see ya later!!

word count: 1208

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