10 - Old Enemies

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True to xyr word, Leo hadn't tried to ask Kaos anything until that night. Unfortunately for her, xe found Kaos curled in a ball on a chair, surprisingly asleep. Well, at least they're getting sleep, she thought with a sigh. Leo draped a blanket over their relaxed form before laying down on the couch to also get some sleep.

As soon as Leo's breathing evened out- a sure sign xe was asleep- Kaos opened their eyes, glancing at the usually blue-clad turtle. They also sighed, before standing and folding their blanket silently.

They snuck to the front door, not bothering to pull their boots on. They weren't going far, just to keep watch on the porch. The guys deserved a break, even if they did keep training while here.

Kaos was sure if any of the guys were to wake up and find them out here, they'd get in trouble for a) not sleeping, and b) not telling the others what they were doing. The idea of getting in trouble didn't bother them much, but they disliked when people appeared to be disappointed in them.

I should work on my present for them while I'm out here... at least work on some sketches and plans. I dunno how I'm gonna get measurements though... they thought, sitting cross-legged on the porch. They pulled out a simple black notebook that was covered in stickers and opened it to a blank page.

A few hours went by, and Kaos was making decent progress on the sketches. Donnie had mentioned how he was working on cloaking charms, that could make the turtles and Splinter appear human. Leo had brought up the issue of whether or not the cloaking charms would include clothes, and this had inspired Kaos to design outfits for the turtles. They had gotten a general idea of each turtle's style when one day they offered (well, Leo offered her brother's help and xyr's) to help Kaos restock their store. Each turtle had vaguely mentioned that they liked a certain article of clothing or the general style of another.

Kaos paused in their drawing (their hands hurt), leaning back and sighing. They looked towards the woods, jolting up right when they noticed what looked like a pair of eyes.

They stood up, their notebook and pencil dropping to the floor with light thuds. They grabbed their quiver, pulling a mask out of their pocket to cover part of their face. The eyes drifted away from the edge of the woods, leading further back into them.

The pink-haired human leaped off the porch, landing in a crouched position before running towards the woods. They followed the eyes into trees, failing to notice as Leo sat up in the house.
Leo had woken up to the sound of the porch creaking, followed by dull thuds as something fell. Xe sat up, yawning, and barely bothering to grab her mask. Xe glanced around the room, noting quickly that Kaos was gone.

What is going on? She thought, standing and grabbing xyr swords. I should get Raph... or someone, at least. Hopefully Kaos is okay, whatever they're doing. Xe carefully snuck to Raph and Mikey's room, lightly tapping her brother's shoulder.

He jumped, almost punching Leo before realizing who it was. "Jeez, Leo, what're you doin'?! Ya nearly gave me a heart attack!" He hissed, sitting up slightly.

"I heard noises outside, and Kaos is gone. I'm going to investigate, do you want to come?" She asked, not bothering to reply to xyr brother's accusation. Raph's expression steeled as they through its blanket off of him. "Gimme a minute. I'll meet you downstairs."

Leo nodded, turning to move back downstairs.

Raph had never been so grateful Mikey slept like a rock as he carefully pulled on the armor set it'd created during their last time here. Leo had had xe's on, so he'd figured he was supposed to wear his as well. As he grabbed his sais (technically the armor had a different weapon, but having backups never hurt), Mikey rolled over, muttering something to himself.

Raph snuck downstairs, finding Leo out on the porch. "What's that?" he asked, referring to the notebook Leo was looking through.

"It's Kaos'... they were designing clothes for us," Leo replied. "C'mon. We'll have to check the woods." "Shouldn't we leave a note or sumthin', in case someone else wakes up and finds us and Kaos gone?" Raph said after a minute. Leo smiled. "Good call."

Xe ripped a paper from the back of Kaos' notebook, and hastily scribbled a note. They left it on the table next to the porch swing, pinned under the notebook.

With that completed, they headed for the woods.
Kaos mildly regretted following the beast without telling Leo or anything. But they wanted the turtles to have an actual vacation, and that meant preventing the guys from as much fighting as possible.

Of course, they were sure Leo had woken up at this point and was coming after them. She had probably woken Raph too.

At least they hoped so.

Because whatever mess of plant and probably mutagen they'd followed was currently wandering around a small swamp, decorating it with flowers and small glowing spheres. It had somehow gotten behind them almost as soon as they had started following it, and after a few minutes of fighting, disarmed them and knocked them unconscious. They'd woken up, tied it vines, and with no clue where they were.

Shoulda brought my phone. Then at least Donnie could track my phone or sumthin'. They scowled. They'd been attempting to escape their leafy bonds for quite a bit now, to no avail.

This is getting ridiculous. I can almost beat the turtles while blindfolded, but I can't escape some stinkin' vines. What even is this thing? How did it get here? Is it leftover from the last time the guys were here? They haven't really talked about it... but they did talk about how it wasn't really a vac- why can't I feel my hands. Kaos' thoughts did an abrupt 180 as they lost feeling in their feet as well. They glanced down at the aforementioned limbs, panicking even more when they realized they appeared to be turning into plants. Not good, not good, not good-

They started struggling again, attempting to get the creature to pay attention to them. Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck became a loop in their thoughts as the green change spread up their legs and arms.
"Dyou think Kaos was keeping watch, saw something, and followed it? I don't understand what they were doin' on the porch at this time of night anyway, or why they would leave," Raph muttered as he and Leo made their way through the woods.

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe they didn't leave of their own free will? And besides, we're not supposed to be talking! We're ninjas, remember?" Leo hissed in response.

"Well, obviously I thought of that, but their weapons were gone too. And there weren't any signs of a struggle. Kaos isn't exactly the kind to go down without a fight," Raph replied. "And will you cut it out with the ninja shit? Maybe if we're loud we can attract Kaos, or whatever got 'em."

Leo sighed, turning to give her brother a tired look. "That is a terrible plan." Raph glared in response. "Well you haven't been offerin' any better ones, so-"

He was cut off by a flash of light off to their left. An angry growl followed it. Both of the turtle's eyes widened. "That sounded like-" "The Creep!"
Um... hi. I may or may not have fallen out of TMNT for a good bit, but I'm back now! you wouldn't believe me but I added 3000 words onto this fic in a day because I finally new what I wanted to do with it again. uh... hope you enjoyed! also some angst and very rushed fight scenes coming up, hehe.

Word count: 1333

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