11 - Hurt And Confused

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They both started to run in that direction. "But- that's not possible! We took the Creep home with us, and defeated him again once he emerged from the jar! How on Earth could he be here again?!" Leo said as they ran.

"Who cares about that right now?! What if the Creep did the same thing to Kaos that he did to me?! They don't have any mutagen, what would happen to them?!" Raph shouted back.

The two slid to a stop as they arrived on the edge of a swampy area. A disintegrating barn stood at one end, with dull yellow light escaping through its missing planks. Leo and Raph shared a look before both nodding. They separated, sneaking off into the shadows.

Leo snuck up to a hole in the roof, looking inside. Against the back wall was a humanoid shape tied up with vines, and the Creep- or another version of the Creep?- was wandering around the barn, almost appearing to be decorating it.

Xyr eyes widened as the leafy shape turned to look up at him. That's Kaos' mask! Oh no...

The creature- er, Kaos' eyes widened and they almost seemed to smile once they noticed xem. She held a finger to xyr lips, reminding Kaos not to alert the Creep to her presence.

Kaos got distracted as the Creep turned to look at them. They began to shake, as if scared. It looked at them for a second before turning back to whatever it was doing.

Raph appeared beside Leo, an arm full of chains. "Where's- oh no," he began to ask before following Leo's finger to the plant pile tied against the wall. "Let's do this." Leo whispered in return, taking some of the chains. They dropped down, careful to stay quiet.

The two shared a nod before quickly tying up the Creep. "Raph, watch him!" Leo said, sprinting over to Kaos. They smiled as she approached, crouching down to cut them away from the wall. "Hold still-" xe started, slicing through their bonds.

She picked them up, unsure how exactly they went from a human shape to almost more of a dog one. Xe decided not to question it. "Raph, let's go! I've got Kaos!"

The red-clad turtle nodded, quickly letting go of the Creep's chains, running ahead of Leo out of the barn. The Creep roared, breaking through the flimsy chains. It gave chase, following Leo. It reached out, grabbing at Kaos as Leo dodged through the attacks and trees.

Kaos yelped as the Creep managed to grab one of their legs, ripping a chunk off. Tears streamed down their face as Leo and Raph continued running. Once they reached the farmhouse, Raph yelled as loud as possible. "DONNIE!!! WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM!!!"

Leo ran up to the porch as Raph began fighting the Creep off. "Stay here, okay? You'll be alright." She set Kaos down carefully, before unsheathing xyr swords and charging the mutagen-plant beast. Donnie, Mikey, April, and Casey all burst through the door barely a minute later.

"Holy Toledo! It's-" Donnie started. "THE CREEP!!!" Mikey finished, screaming. "C'mon, we hafta help 'em!" Casey said, rushing into the fight. Mikey followed, but April paused. "Wait, where's-"

Donnie's attention was drawn down to the infected Kaos as they whimpered. "Oh no, oh no, Kaos! What happened?!"

"The Creep got them! But can we focus on that later?! Right now we need to defeat the Creep!" Leo yelled, slashing one of the beast's arms off. Donnie hesitated, wanting to help Kaos first.

Kaos isn't going anywhere, we can help them in a minute, he thought, expression steeling. He jumped into the fight, and after a few minutes, the Creep was defeated.

"Help me get him to the barn, hopefully, what we did for Raph works with Kaos too..." Donnie said, going back to the porch. "What happened to their leg?"

"The Creep ripped part of it off while we were running away..." Leo admitted. "Is that gonna affect them when they come back?" Donnie swallowed, hesitating. "I... I'm not sure."
Kaos groaned, opening their eyes. "Oh-Kaos! U-um, wait a minute... we're just finishing up with your leg," Donnie's voice reached their ears as they took note of where they were and who was around.

"W- what dyou mean finishin' up with my le-" Kaos said, voice hoarse. They stopped as they remembered what happened. Their eyes widened before they began trying to sit up. "W- wait, who- is everyone-" Leo and Raph both jumped up as well, moving to stop them.

"Kaos, wait, you can't sit up! Everyone's okay!" Leo said, attempting to lay them back down.

They continued to struggle, trying very hard to shove everyone off. "But- what-"

"Kaos." Splinter's voice rang out over the mayhem. "Please, relax. Everyone is okay. We will discuss what happened once Donatello is done." Kaos continued to struggle for a few seconds before they let out a long sigh. "A- alright."

A few minutes passed, and Donnie announced, "I- I'm done."

Kaos sat up carefully, eyes widening at the sight of their leg. Or, lack of leg. "W-what happened? I mean... I remember what happened but..." Leo sat down next to them. "The Creep, or uh, the monster that got you last night, happened. It's a mix of plant and mutagen, but we thought we had defeated him for good. Apparently not... H- he turned you into a plant, and when we were escaping, r- ripped your leg off... we were really hoping it hadn't affected your actual body, but it did..." Leo paused, unsure how to continue. "S- so Donnie made you a prosthetic after he change you back."

Kaos didn't reply, simply sitting there and staring at what used to be a leg.

"Kaos..." Splinter said, moving forward. "Why didn't you alert anyone before you left?"

The pinkette shifted. "Just wanted yall t' have a real vacation... didn't think it'd be such a serious threat, s'all." They paused, rubbing at their face. " 'm sorry. I- is everyone else okay, at least?"

"Everyone is fine, you're the one who's not," Raph replied, crossing his arm. "I'm sorry we couldn't save your leg, Kaos," Donnie added, sheepishly rubbing his arm. Kaos finally raised their head, looking at the purple-clad turtle. " 'm not upset w'th you Donnie. Or any 'f you. 'm upset with m'self. I shoulda told Leo or sumthin'. 'Sides, you've done more than enough."

"Why... why did go off on your own anyway? What were you doing last night?" Leo asked, gently resting her hand on their arm. Kaos shrugged, almost knocking Leo's hand away. "Just wanted... actual..." they mumbled.

"What?" Raph replied, confused. Kaos pulled their legs up into their chest, laying their head sideways. "Just wante' you guys t' have an actual vacation. 'm just paranoid, was keepin' watch I guess."

"You... you've been keeping watch? For how long?" Leo questioned, brow furrowing. They shrugged again. "Since we got here..? Kinda..? It doesn't matter anyway. I messed up. 'm sorry for makin' yall worry."
Can you tell I didn't really know how to end this chapter? It might seem a little abrupt, sorry. But next chapter is a longer one, so...

Word count: 1210

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