4 - New Friend (Offically)

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"Do you think they're okay?" Donnie asked as he paced in the living room. "Splinter or Kaos?" Raph asked, barely opening an eye from his beanbag. "Either one," Donnie replied. "Kaos seemed startled at themselves after their little speech, did they say something in particular that made Sensei want to talk to them?"

Leo sighed. "Donnie, calm down. I'm sure they're both fine. And I can't blame Sensei for wanting to talk to them after the paragraph they told Casey."

"There was a lotta big words in there man, I dunno if I understood it all," Casey said. Donnie rolled his eyes.

They all turned as they heard the dojo doors open. "Thank you for talking with me Master Splinter," Kaos said as they exited. "You are welcome. Now I must go and meditate." With that, the dojo doors slid shut.

"What did you two talk about?" Leo asked as Kaos walked over to the other teens. "Stuff," the person evaded.

Raph huffed. "Right..." April interrupted, "Maybe we should actually introduce ourselves now. I'm April O'Neil, and this is Casey Jones. Though you already seemed to know that."

Kaos rubbed the back of their head guiltily. "Yeah, Donnie mentioned you guys. I'm Kaos Geesten, I use they/glitch/ghost. Nice to meet you."

They all sat down on the couch as Mikey put a show on the TV. "So how did you meet the turtles?" Casey asked, still wary of the new person. Kaos smirked, knowing Raph probably wouldn't appreciate their story. "Oh, they were backed into a corner surrounded by Foot. I beat up the Foot and brought them back to their house to offer them medical attention."

True to expectations, Raph growled. "I'm sure we would've been fine if you hadn't shown up!" They grumbled, muttering to itself, "But the help was mildly appreciated."

Kaos chuckled. "Thanks Raph." They turned back to Casey and April. "What about you two?" April sighed. "KRAANG attempted to kidnap me and my father and they helped me escape. I've been friends with them ever since."

"That was our first night on the surface!" Mikey mentioned with a grin. Casey crossed his legs with his arms behind his head. "Foot tried to test some new robot on April and I was with her. These dorks showed up to help."

"Oh yeah. That was when April hated us and blamed us for her dad's mutation. Which like fair enough," Donnie added. "Hey! I didn't hate you, I was just upset! And you can hardly blame me." April defended herself.

Kaos laughed. "So do I get to know how you all came to be robot-fighting turtles or not yet?"

The turtles blinked. "Master Splinter didn't tell you?" Leo asked. April smiled. "I'd actually like to know that too! You never told us either."

"Storytime!" Mikey giggled. Leo sighed. "Alright... Back when Sensei was still human, he was leaving the pet store..."
Kaos whooped as they beat Leo at a game again. "Just face it dude, they're better than you," Raph laughed. Leo growled at him. "Like you could do better!"

Kaos stood and stretched. "While I'd love to beat Raph as well, I have to head home. It's gotta be light by now, and I have schoolwork to do." "But it's summer?" Donnie questioned. Kaos shrugged. "I do online college. I can take classes and tests whenever I want. Plus I have my shop to run. See you guys later!"

They turned and headed back for the surface.

"Hmm, maybe Sensei will tell us more about what they talked about?" Donnie asked, moving towards his lab. "Leo, do you remember anything specific about the stuff you saw in that box?"

Leo shook xyr head. "No, I don't. And even if I did, isn't that their business?" Donnie sighed. "It is... but now I'm curious. I wanna know! Maybe there's a way to help them?" "With what?" Raph asked, chomping down on a slice of pizza.

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