8 - A New Place

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Kaos slept in the next day, much to their friends' surprise. They slept in late, too. It was finally around eleven that Splinter went and woke them up, reminding them gently they were supposed to train with the guys.

They yawned, rubbing their eyes. “Oh, yeah, I suppose I forgot about that. Okay, give me a minute to get ready.” They stood, carefully putting away their cot from the night before and grabbing clothes. “Is the bathroom open?” Splinter gave them a nod, walking to the front door. “Meet us outside with your bow.”

A few minutes later, they came outside in a patch-covered jean jacket over a random t-shirt and black cargo pants, still barefoot besides for a wrap around their feet. They’d tied their hair up in a bun. Their quiver was full of suction arrows (per Splinter’s request so no one got hurt during the training exercise), and they stood blindfolded in the middle of the yard.

“Are you sure this is fair Sensei? Kaos is blindfolded and we’re trained ninjas. How is this supposed to work?” Raph asked. Master Splinter gave him a small smile from the swing he was seated on. “Exactly, we are helping Kaos train their other senses. They have to try and hit you with arrows as you attempt to reach them without them detecting you. If you are hit with an arrow, you have two more attempts. If Kaos is touched by any of you, that person wins. Understood?”

“Hai sensei,” everyone echoed. Splinter closed his eyes. “Begin!” Kaos felt their ears hollow out as everything besides the wind died. They readied an arrow, spinning gently in a circle. Alright, focus… the turtles can come from any direction. But think of what you know they tend to do… Kaos thought to themself, subconsciously holding their eyes closed. They stopped spinning and aimed at one of four points, all an equal distance from them. Knowing Leo, she had them all go to different corners opposite me like I’m trapped in a box… so one of them should be- here. They exhaled, releasing an arrow.

They smiled slightly as they heard a startled Mikey fall out of his hiding spot, an arrow stuck to his chest. “No fair!” he whined, watching as Kaos spun to point at the next corner. An arrow was released, a target hit. Donnie groaned, tugging at the arrow now stuck to his arm.

They figured out our plan… I need to move, Leo thought to xyr self. Hopefully Raph also noticed that. She moved from the spot xe’d been to a new spot, noticing how their back was facing her as they undoubtedly tracked Raph.

Kaos on the other hand had deduced that Raph and Leo had gathered their knowledge and were moving. The only issue was, that since they were ninjas, they made next to no noise while sneaking. Their attention shifted as they heard a shell roll along the ground, and metal shift as the turtle stood up. They whirled around, aiming their bow directly at poor Leo’s head.

“Goddamnit,” xe muttered. She barely managed to catch Kaos’ eat-shit grin as they released the arrow against his forehead. “So just Raph left~?” Kaos crooned, notching another arrow into their hand.

A branch snapped to their left, followed by one to their right. “That’s a good trap,” the human said, laughter dancing in their eyes. “Oh, I just remembered that all of you still are out there. So unless you really think that’s a smart move, you’re wrong.”

Donnie and Mikey froze where they were just a few feet from Kaos, arms outstretched. An arrow landed on Donnie’s stomach, and another on Mikey’s leg. “I could get you both out right now, but where’s the fun in that? After all, I wanna make it even with your brothers as well.”

They reloaded their bow, aiming at a seemingly empty spot in the bushes. “Boo,” they released their arrow, only for an angry Raph to pop up. “MOTHERF-” Kaos gave him a grin. “That’s not very sneaky. I’ll give you four a minute to plot, I need to check my arrow count.”

The turtles all gathered a fair bit away from Kaos as they sat cross-legged and refilled their quiver (it holds eight on top, but can store more underneath the top level). “We need a plan, they’re really good at this,” Mikey said. Leo glanced at their sensei, then their friend. “I think they just reasoned what they thought we’d do based on what they know about our fighting style. They realized that I had you all go to different areas like a box’s corners, then when they got Mikey and Donnie, I went to get them while they were looking- or at least pretending to look- for Raph. So they’re tracking what they know with what they predict we’ll do.”

“It’s like the FootBots all over again!” Donnie connected. “So we have to be as quiet yet unpredictable as possible!” Leo nodded. “Exactly. So I’m not giving you instructions besides be quiet and go crazy.”

The turtles broke just in time for Kaos to stand, fixing their blindfold back in place. “Ready?” They asked, getting their bow and arrows prepared. Only the wind answered.

Hmm… a new tactic? Let’s see what they’ve all got. Kaos spun again, savoring the sound of their foot tracing a circle in the barren lawn. They strained their ears, desperately searching for even the slightest noise. They heard a rustle from one side, but hesitated. It sounded intentional. Like they want me to waste arrows… They exhaled, firing an arrow straight up before sliding under Mikey’s arms, just as he would’ve grabbed them.

“Nooo!” he whined as the arrow landed right on his head. He grumbled as Kaos stood again, fist clenching their bow. So… they're each doing their own thing? That means Donnie is plotting out various routes, and now that they’ve seen Mikey’s attempt, I’m running out of cards. Let’s see if I can catch them by surprise.

Their ears perked up as they heard the sound of sais being removed from Raph’s side. They spun, knocking the red-clad turtle’s feet out from under him. “SHIT-” he yelled, falling. Kaos notched two arrows, shooting both into Raph’s chest.

“Time for a change of scenery,” they muttered to themself, making their way into the forest. Raph watched them leave, confused. “What is their plan here?”

Kaos slung their bow over a shoulder, attempting to quietly and blindly climb a tree. They paused, catching their breath. Footsteps approached as they went to grab their bow again. “Where did they go? I thought they were supposed to leave the yard…” Donnie’s voice trailed off. “Granted Master Splinter never said that explicitly.”

Kaos followed his voice as it lead off in one direction, readying their bow as quietly as one can while in a tree. A few seconds went by until Donnie doubled back, muttering to himself something about how they had no right being this good at hiding.

“3… 2… 1,” Kaos muttered, releasing the arrow. They smiled as Donnie cried out as it hit him. “Talking to yourself isn’t the stealthiest,” Leo’s voice echoed out of nowhere, startling Kaos out of the tree. They fell, landing hard next to Donnie who was struggling to remove the suction arrow from his arm.

“Leonardo wins,” Splinter said, walking into the area they were in with the other two brothers trailing behind. Kaos groaned, removing the blindfold. “Leo, how long were you sitting there before you said something??”

Xe chuckled. “Long enough to see your rather embarrassing attempt at climbing a tree blindfolded.” Kaos growled, whacking the blue turtle with their bow. “Good game,” they said, flopping back onto the moss. Leo held out a hand, offering them help standing, but they waved her off. “Nah, I wanna lay here for a minute. I miss having grass around me.”
(it seems with school I type more in my free time during class, compared to typing while Im at home. also this fic is official over 10000 words in total. sweet mother of hylia that's weird. anyway

word count: 1370

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