6 - Quiet Conversations

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A few hours later the film ended, with Leo and Kaos being the only ones awake. Leo was fake sleeping in hopes of actually falling asleep so both xyr younger and older brother who was asleep on her wouldn't wake up. Xe heard Kaos hum happily as they laid blankets on everyone, careful to make sure everyone's heads were uncovered. (it's Donnie, Leo, and Mikey on the couch, Raph on a sleeping bag next to the couch, and April and Casey on the chairs. just so you know)

"Goodnight you silly people," they yawned, turning off the TV quietly. Leo smiled lightly, cracking one eye to see them stretch and sit at the table, opening a notebook.

"Are you not going to sleep?" she asked quietly after a minute (Mikey slept like a rock and Donnie wasn't much better so xe stopped being paranoid about waking them up). Kaos jolted at her voice.

Their indigo gaze meet Leo's bluebell one. Theirs seemed tired, but calm. Xyr's was warm, and she was definitely acting on xyr big brother instinct (Donnie may be the oldest, but Leo is the oldest responsible-wise) (also for my sanity don't take this as romantic I just like describing things it makes me happy and I just like writing that way please don't make it weird).

"...I wasn't planning to, no."

"And why not?" Her tone was almost careful, with the way xe approached it. Even with laughter dancing on her face, like xe was teasing them.

Kaos found themself shrugging. "Dunno. Don't particularly have a reason. Guess I'm just being wary."

"You should sleep."

"I know, Leo. But I can't."

"..." There was a moment of pause as Leo's playful look faded to a more concerned one. "Why not?"

Kaos' own silence almost spoke volumes. "It's been a while. But I still see what happened. And it won't let me rest. So I stopped trying, I guess. Or maybe I'm avoiding something. I don't know. I wish I did."

There was another pause. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I miss home. I miss my pets, and old friends. I miss the weird things my family always did that seemed so normal... I miss how it used to be. It's not that I hate now, now is great, just as incredible as then used to be... but I miss it some days yknow? The time back when..."

"...Everything was alright?"

"Everything was alright."

Leo gave them a warm, if slightly sorrowful smile. "I know how you feel. Back before Splinter let us leave, we were so anxious to get up here and discover new things... But looking back, I almost wish we'd stayed under. Maybe less things would've happened. Shredder wouldn't be here, for sure, but does that rule out all we've stopped the KRAANG from doing? ...Mainly I feel bad for my brothers. They've been through so much..."

Kaos gave him a tired laugh. "Because you haven't?"

Leo gave them a look that said 'don't go there'. Kaos gave xem a look in return that replied with 'I'm right though'.

"Tell me Leo... if you could go back and change anything, would you change anything? Or are you nervous about what you would come back to?"

She thought for a minute, moving a hand to rest on Raph's back, where it was on the floor. "I don't think I'd change anything. Not because I'm scared of what I'd come back to, but because I'm not sure there's a better timeline out there. And maybe there is. But I don't mind what I have. So I'll stay here. ...What about you?"

Kaos looked down at the notebook they'd opened. "...Even though I think of all the ways I could've changed things in the past... I think I'd stay here too."
Raph woke up to the sound of soft voices the next morning. He didn't open his eyes for a few seconds, trying to pinpoint where he was and who was talking. They could feel a three-fingered hand on his shell- okay, so it was one of his brothers- and slowly recognized the voices as Leo's and Kaos'. *Leo's hand must be on my back then*, he thought, still not opening his eyes,*But then what are they talking about?*

He stayed still, pretending to sleep as he listened. His eyes widened- even as they were closed (do you know what I mean by that???)- as he realized they were sharing sibling stories.

"Somedays I wish Raph could just stay calm for a minute, or that we could help him with the turmoil of emotions it has. I don't blame them, he can't help it. But I wish I could help," he heard Leo say.

Raph felt himself tighten unintentionally, not realizing his older brother had felt that way.

He listened as Kaos responded, "Heh, I know what you mean. I used to be the one with the temper for the most part, but my sister usually had big emotions. Like an erupting volcano sometimes, or a hurricane other times. She also always needed someone to hang out with." Kaos let out a soft laugh. "A poor extrovert born in a family of introverts."

Raph heard Leo respond with a hum of laughter before a moment of silence. "...Good morning, Raph. Or do you plan on laying there more?" Amusement flickered in Kaos' voice as they addressed the neon-eyed turtle.

He faked yawning as sat up. "What're you talkin' about? I just woke up." He glared them down as they gave him a smirk. "I'm making chocolate chip waffles for breakfast in a minute. If Casey or April wants a change of clothes or a shower can you show them? It's just down the hall; first door is my room, they can raid the closet and the third door is the bathroom. Let me know if you need anything else, I've gotta run to the store for more pancake mix. My half-gone box isn't gonna cut it."

Leo gave them a nod as they headed for the door, roughly throwing on a random pair of shoes and grabbing a bag. "I'll be back in a minute, I'm locking the door, don't answer it for anyone, got it?"

Raph sat up, resting its arms on his knees. "We got it! Go buy your garbage." Leo tossed Raph his mask. "Don't be mean, they're just making sure nothing happens." The door clicked closed as the turtle with a cracked shell finished the tie on the back of his head.

Raph grumbled. "Did you two sleep at all last night?" Leo shrugged. "No, I don't think so. We spent pretty much the whole night talking." There was a yawn as Mikey attempted to roll over under the blanket. Leo grunted slightly. "Mikey that's my stomach, get your elbow out of it!" Casey grumbled even if his eyes were closed. "You guys are so loud. Do you ever shut up?"

Raph threw a pillow at the hockey jock. "Stuff it, Jones. No one cares." Donnie blinked away slowly. "Where's Kaos?" Casey blinked. "Whoa, Donnie's got a morning voice! It sounds funky."

Donnie glared at the ebony-haired male. "Oh shut up."

Mikey whined as the blanket fell off him. "Kaos is running to the store to buy more pancake mix. They said they were planning to make chocolate chip pancakes," Leo replied, pulling the blanket back up on xyr youngest brother.

"Sounds tasty," April yawned. Raph humphed before remembering what Kaos had told him. "Oh, April and Casey, Kaos said if you want like a shower or a change of clothes you can use their stuff. They said you can raid their closet, their room is the first door in the hallway, bathroom is the third one."

Donnie stood up, grabbing his mask. "Ugh. I'm sore, sleeping on a small couch with two of your brothers isn't the comfiest. How did you do it with me and Mikey on you, Leo?" Leo shrugged, but it was Raph who replied. "She didn't sleep, neither did Kaos. They both stayed up and hung out."

Kaos reentered the house. "It's a bit odd seeing you four without your masks, belts, or pads." They walked past the couch with two paper bags in their arms.

"I thought you were just getting pancake mix?" Raph replied. April stretched before double-checking that Casey didn't want a shower or change of clothes.

Kaos shrugged. "If I'd grab some other stuff while I was there. No offense, but that pizza was supposed to be lunch/dinner for the next few weeks since I can keep the leftovers in my fridge usually."

"Sorry," Leo replied, carefully moving xyr leg so it didn't fall asleep and xe didn't wake Mikey. Kaos shrugged. "I'm hardly mad, I'm just not used to having people invade."
this brainrot is just getting more and more concerning. A) this is almost as long as 'Just A Coven Scout', just in less chapters, and B) I had a dream I was brainrotting about TMNT to the turtles! This is just weird.

word count: 1522

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