2 - New Interactions

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The guys whooped and laughed as they made their way around the city. "It's been a good night; got to kick both some KRAANG and Foot Clan ass!" Raph grinned, leaping to the next rooftop.

"Don't forget. We have to go check with Kaos. Sensei wants to meet them," Leo reminded xyr brothers as they continued moving.

A clang alerted the group to a disturbance. "KRAANG, there is someone who is not meant to be in this place in this place," they heard a robotic voice say. "We must remove the one who is in the place they are not supposed to be in, KRAANG," another robotic voice replied.

"I'm right here dipshit." a familiar voice said.

A few shots could be heard from the KRAANG guns as the turtles hurried to the edge of the building they were on. Just as they made it over, Kaos bashed the KRAANG brains into the ground, causing the gross alien blood to splatter over their shoes.

"Ewwwwwww," Mikey said, sticking out their tongue. "That is rather gruesome," Donnie replied.

"Come on, we have to go talk to them," Leo added, waving them forward. "I hate to burst your bubble, but Kaos is already gone," Raph retorted.

"What-!" Leo started, whipping around. Indeed, there was no sign of the human. "Alright, well, I guess we're headed to their house. Donnie, will you text them and let them know we're on our way?"

The brothers started running over the roofs towards the new-found friend's house.

"They replied to my message; they said they're still on patrol and should be home in an hour," Donnie called up to Leo. "So do we want to go see if we can find them?"

Raph huffed. "I say we do. Maybe we can help them beat some ass." Leo signed. "Donnie, Raph, you can try and find them. Mikey and I will continue to their house."

Raph and Donnie exchanged a glance before Raph shrugged. "Better than being stuck with Mikey. Now come on, maybe there's some robo-ass to kick."
Raph and Donnie searched for a few minutes until they finally came across Kaos. "Stupid- urgh- fucking KRAANG," the pair heard them mutter, wiping the side of their mouth.

"The human who knows the information they are not supposed to be knowing is cornered. Finish them," one KRAANG said. Kaos stood up straight as they prepared for a fight.

"Let's go help them," Raph said, jumping down from the roof. He landed on one KRAANG, slashing another with it's sais. Donnie also jumped down, smashing a few droids with his staff.

Kaos landed a few hits as the fight ended. "Thanks," they greeted the two turtles, who were walking over to them. "No prob-lam-o," Raph grinned in return.

"Mikey and Leo are waiting back at your place, if you wanna head that way," Donnie added. "Are you hurt?" He mildly gestured to where the human was holding their side. Kaos waved him off. "Oh yeah, I'm peachy. We can head back home if that's good. Though I think I'll pass on traveling via rooftop."

Raph leaped away with a, "Suit yourself!" Donnie stayed by the hoodie-clad person. "I'll walk with you. I'm a bit sick of running everywhere with those boneheads anyway."

They gave him a grin, placing their bat in the quiver on their back. "Tell me more about yourself Donnie, you've been awfully quiet throughout most of our interactions."

Donnie talked about some of his inventions, skimmed over April, and ranted about his brothers' antics.

"...so it totally blew up in my face. I thought I was gonna lose another tooth," Donnie laughed as he and Kaos entered the human's house. "Sounds fun," Kaos replied, giggling, as they threw the bat and quiver into a corner.

"Took you two long enough! I was just about ready to call one of you," Leo said, walking up to them.

"Good to see you too, Leo," Kaos smirked, moving past her. "Give me a minute to go change, then I'll come talk. In the meantime, feel free to raid the fridge. There should be something to eat in it." With that, they disappeared to their bedroom.

Mikey's eyes got wide. "Do they have pizza?!" Raph glared at his younger brother. "I don't know, go check you big dumbass!" The orange turtle sprinted over to the fridge, excitedly finding a pizza box. She brought it over to the couch, opening it.

"Sausage and pepperoni?" Donnie questioned over Mikey's shoulder. "It was what I was in the mood for the other night," Kaos' voice rang out as they came back.

They had a pair of orange and black tie-dye sweatpants and a purple hoodie on, and had tied their hair up out of their face. They looked tired, messing with an earring they'd put in.

"Now what did yall wanna talk about?" They asked, flopping done in a chair. The guys exchanged looks, before Leo spoke up. "Our sensei wants to meet you, he asked us to bring you to the lair after patrol. We figured if we came and talked to you about it, it'd be simpler."

Kaos blinked. "Does that mean I have to get dressed up nice again?" Donnie shrugged. "It probably wouldn't hurt."

The human groaned, standing again. They grasped their side with a grunt before walking back to their room. Mikey swallowed his bite of cold pizza. "Are they hurt? What's with the side-holding?"

Donnie shrugged. "They said they weren't hurt, but they keep holding their side and grunting when it gets hit, so I'm not sure."

When Kaos came back, they were dressed in a pink varsity jacket, black jeans, boots, and their monster mask. Their hair was tied up in a bun. "Are we going?" Kaos asked the turtles as they grabbed their quiver of arrows, bow, and bat. The green ninjas stood, moving towards the back door for the manhole.

Kaos followed their friends, watching them all jump down. "You first," Leo motioned after xyr brothers had gone. The human jumped down with a grunt, waiting for Leo as the rest started for the lair.
the brainrot is still awful, but at this point I don't care. hope you enjoyed! also, if you weren't aware, this is based of the 2012 TMNT. alright, that's all

word count: 1062

Friends With Unlikely People - TMNT 2012Where stories live. Discover now