Chapter 20

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The road bumped under the wheels of the tour bus, waking Braelyn. She stared up at the ceiling of the bus, laying her hand on her stomach. She smiled when she felt Tyler's hand cover hers. They had been on tour for seven and half months and the baby told Braelyn everyday how close it was to meeting its family for the first time. The baby kicked against Braelyn's hand and she smiled. She grabbed Tyler's hand and pressed it to the spot on her stomach where the baby was kicking.

"My little man," Tyler kissed Braelyn before leaning down and kissing her stomach.

"What if he's a she? What if it's girl?" Braelyn took Tyler's hand and twined her fingers with his.

"Then I'll kill every boy who comes to call on her."

Braelyn shook her head and slowly got out of bed. "Eight o'clock show time? What town?"

"Pittsburgh...are you ok?" Tyler quickly stood up and took Braelyn's arm as she staggered into the wall and leaned against it for support.

"Yeah I'm fine. A little light headed is all. It's been happening a lot lately. I'll get a bottle of water from the fridge."

"You should go get checked out. Make sure everything is ok with the baby."

"He or she is fine. He wants to meet his daddy, but that will have to wait a little while." Braelyn pushed off from the wall and went to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Looking good Momma," BK said from the table. He held a small baby in his arms and he looked down at it with a big smile. "When is the little one going to show his face? Little Kacey is getting a little impatient."

"He'll come when he's good and ready," Braelyn sat down at the table and waited for Tyler to come out of the sleeping area. "You guys partied a little too hard last night. You made the pregnant girl jealous." Braelyn sighed as the baby moved and she rubbed her stomach hoping it would settle him down.

"We didn't party any harder than we usually do," Brian laughed at the thought of the previous night. He and Tyler had had a little too much to drink and they sure did give that little town something to remember them by. Their faces would forever hang on the wall of shame at that bar, or their rear ends to be more specific. Tyler and Brian had mooned the camera and the pictures had been placed on the wall of shame.

"You two are going to end up getting arrested, and then what am I going to do? I certainly won't bail your asses out. I'll come visit you every day so I can laugh at you."

     "You know you will come save us, you love us too much to see us sit in jail," Brian placed the baby in her pack and play and walked over to Braelyn. "Are you ok? You look like shit."

            "Thanks BK, I'm so glad you think I look like shit." Braelyn glared at Brian before looking away.

            "Pissing her off first thing in the morning?" Tyler grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee. "You must have a death wish." Tyler set his cup down and picked Kacey up out of the pack and play. "Hey honey, aren't you extra pretty today! Looks like Daddy is doing a good job of playing Mommy and Daddy." He kissed the baby on the top of the head and set her back down.

            "Ty, maybe you shouldn't..." Braelyn cast a worried glance at Brian, grabbed Tyler's hand and led him toward the back of the bus. "Tyler you know it's been hard on him ever since Anna..."

            "I know," Tyler pulled Braelyn into a hug. It had been hard on everyone ever since Anna passed away. Even though she had been improving, the birth of Kacey had been too much and she ended up passing shortly after naming her baby.

            "We should be in Pittsburg soon, I'm going to go get ready. I want to take Kasey shopping. Have a girl's day out." Braelyn turned around, but stopped when she felt Tyler's hang on her arm.

            "Stay with us today. I have had this weird feeling since I got up and I would like you to stay close. Plus Brian didn't want Kacey going into the city."

            "You talk about her like she's a teenager, she just a baby."

            "Please, just stay close to the bus. It's going to be pretty busy getting everything ready, and I don't want you running off into the city. I promise when we get to the next town we will have a day out."

            "Ok, I won't run off." Braelyn smiled at Tyler and went to get dressed. She at least wanted to get out of her pajamas.

            Eight o'clock came and everyone was ready to hit the stage. They did their before show prayer and Braelyn made sure that Kacey and her sitter were comfortable on the bus before joining everyone back stage. She kissed Tyler and watched as he went out and started the show with BK.

            Half way through the show the guys went back stage to cool off a bit before going back on stage. Tyler noticed Braelyn sitting down in the corner and went to see her. She looked tired, but it had been a busy day and he brushed it off.

            "Enjoying the show?"

            "You guys are doing great, and you look like you're having a lot of fun!"

            "We always do have fun! Gotta get back out there!" Tyler kissed her cheek before joining BK back on stage.

            "I would like to dedicate this next song to someone very special!" Tyler grabbed his guitar and started playing. "I wrote this for her, and I hope you all like it. It's called Take it out on Me." Tyler started to sing, but was interrupted by BK.

            "Tyler stop! Braelyn, go!"

            "What?" Tyler apologized to the crowed and stepped away from his microphone.

            "Braelyn! It's time!"

            "Time for wha...Do you mean? The baby?" Tyler glanced back stage and seen the crew gathered around Braelyn. He ran off stage and hurried to her side.

            "Tyler," Braelyn grabbed his arm, and stood up.

            "Braelyn, let's get you to the hospital." Tyler took her hand and started leading her to the exit. From the Stage Tyler could hear BK address the crowd.

            "It turns out that Tyler is going to become a Daddy tonight!" The crowd went wild with cheers of congratulations. "We are deeply sorry, but the show will be cut short tonight. We will make it up to every single one of you. Our tour manager will be out momentarily to speak with you. Thanks for the great show everyone!" BK ran off the stage to join Braelyn and Tyler. He was not going to miss this. He couldn't wait to hear Braelyn scream and swear at Tyler! It would be the best part of the night!

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