Chapter 15

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Brian Kelley pulled into Braelyn’s driveway and slammed on his breaks when he seen Cian holding Braelyn against the open door, with his hands around her neck. He jumped out of his truck and ran through the pouring down rain to Braelyn’s side. Brian grabbed Cian, turned him around and punched him. Brian hadn’t realized how hard he had hit him, until he was standing over the unconscious man.

            Brian bent down next to Braelyn and made sure she was breathing. Then he picked her up and carried her to his truck. Brian set her down in the front passenger seat of his truck and buckled her up, before grabbing his phone and calling the police. He told them what happened and demanded they speak with Braelyn tomorrow, to give her time to rest. After receiving permission from his friend, the chief of police, he got into his truck and called Tyler.

            “Tyler? I’m on my way to my house, I have Braelyn with me. Can you meet me there?”

            “What’s going on? What are you doing in town? I thought you were with Anna?”

            “I was, and I have to go back with her. Just meet me at my place and you can take Brae.”

            “Do I want to know why I’m supposed to pick up Braelyn at your place?”

            “I’ll tell you everything when we get there. I’m leaving her house now, bye.” Brian hung up his phone, threw his truck in reverse and drove to his house.

            Brian pulled into his driveway and parked the truck. Seeing that Tyler had already arrived, he jumped out and walked around to the passenger side of the truck. He unbuckled Braelyn and picked her up. Brian carefully carried her to Tyler’s truck and set her in the passenger seat.

            “What happened?” Tyler demanded.

            “I came home because Anna needed some things from the house. She wanted me to stop by Braelyn’s house and make sure she was ok. Braelyn’s been taking the news about Anna pretty hard. I got to her place and seen Cian choking Braelyn to the point she passed out. I don’t know what happened, and I don’t care. I knocked the ass out and brought Braelyn here. Take her home, put her to bed, and do not let her out of your sight.” Brian walked into his house before Tyler could even comprehend what he had told him.

            Tyler got in his truck and drove Braelyn to his house. He would get details from Braelyn tomorrow, tonight he would make sure she was comfortable.

            Braelyn woke up in Tyler’s truck. Every breath she took felt like sandpaper rubbing down her throat. Braelyn put a hand to her chest and grimaced, she glanced over at Tyler and smiled past the pain in her throat. She unfastened her seat belt and laid down across the seat and put her head in Tyler’s lap.

            Tyler looked down and smiled, he brushed the hair out of her face and trailed his fingers down her cheek. He pulled the truck to the side of the road and flipped the lights on in the cab. The rain beat against the windshield as Tyler pulled Braelyn against his chest and held her. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, as if she could erase the memories of the night by holding on to him.

            “Why am I so weak?” Braelyn asked pulling away from Tyler and looking into his eyes.

            “You’re not weak, Brae. Why would you think you are?”

            “I couldn’t protect myself. He hurt me again, and I couldn’t stop him.”

            “That doesn’t make you weak Brae. You’re the strongest person I know.”

            “I used to be strong.” Braelyn looked down at her jeans where a small hole was beginning, and started to pick at it.

            “Stop it! You are not weak! You’ve kicked my ass more than once Braelyn. Most of the time I deserved it, but the point is you’re a tough ass woman! Cian’s abuse was more than physical, it was mental as well.” Tyler brushed his fingers across the hand marks that Cian left on Braelyn’s neck.

            “Yeah.” Braelyn grabbed Tyler’s hand and held it in hers. “Can we go home? To your place?”

            “Yes, let’s go home.” Tyler turned the lights off in the truck and drove the rest of the way to his house.

            Braelyn walked into Tyler’s bedroom and to the closet where she kept a few clothes for when she stayed with Tyler. She grabbed a pair of pajama pants and one of Tyler’s t-shirts and started to get undressed.

            “I never tire of watching you,” Tyler smiled. He stood leaning against the door, watching Braelyn.

            “Really Ty?” Braelyn removed her jeans and Tyler walked over to her.

            “Really, you’re so beautiful.” Tyler wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips. Braelyn threw her arms around his neck and stood on her tip toes to deepen the kiss. Tyler laughed as he picked her up off her feet and carried her to the bed. “You need to grow Brae.” He laid her down and then threw himself down on the bed beside her. “What would you like to do tonight?”

            “How about we just lay here and do nothing all night.”


            “Well, I do have a few ideas of what we could do.” Braelyn laughed at the faked shock on Tyler’s face.

            “Well my lady I think you may share the same ideas as I do.”

            “Well Mr. Hubbard, I think you may be right.” Braelyn rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow. Tyler sat up and pushed her hair behind her shoulder.

            “Your hair is getting so long.” Tyler leaned over and brushed a few kisses on her neck. “And you still taste so damn good,” Tyler groaned. “Are you mine yet?”

            “Do you want me?”

            “Hell yes! I’ve wanted you for so long Braelyn!” Tyler stood up and pulled Braelyn up with him. “Please say you’ll be mine?”

            “Yeah,” Braelyn hugged Tyler and rested her head on his chest. “I love you Ty!”

            “I love you too!” Tyler wrapped his arms around her as tightly as he could. Now that Braelyn was finally his, he didn’t intend to ever let her go.

Short chapter to wrap up some things between Braelyn and Tyler. Had to bring Cian back to achieve some of this. Hope you enjoyed it and chapter 16 will hold a lot more surprises.  

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