Chapter 7

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        The moment of truth, Tyler stepped out of his truck and walked to Braelyn’s front door. He paused debating whether or not he should leave or knock on the door. He didn’t want to tell Braelyn the news, and he was worried about the news she had for him. He lifted his hand to knock on the door, but stopped. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He started to walk away, but the front door opened and Braelyn stood there. Her eyes were red and he knew that she had been crying. He quickly turned around and approached her. “Brae? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, what are you doing here?” Braelyn rubbed her eyes and any remaining tears disappeared. She looked at Tyler and had to admit that he was looking good. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a gray t-shirt that was stretched to its limit over his arm muscles. She raised her eyebrows and nodded in approval. She knew this was the kind of thing Tyler always wore, but today it looked amazing on him. For some reason she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. What had changed in him? What had changed in her?
“Can I talk to you? Are you sure you’re ok?” Tyler seen her look him over and wanted to smile, he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t stand it any longer. He knew it wasn’t possible though, and as soon as she heard his news it would probably change everything.
“Yeah, let’s go inside. There is a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen, grab a cup and meet me in the living room.” Braelyn turned around and walked back into the house. Tyler followed her, but went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee before meeting her in the living room. He sat down next to her on the couch and sipped the hot coffee.
“Was there something you wanted to tell me?” Tyler asked setting his cup on the coffee table and turning to look at Braelyn.
“No, not right now. You can talk. Tell me what you wanted to tell me.”
Tyler inhaled deeply, trying to chase the nerves away. “Promise you won’t judge me too harshly?”
“I won’t judge you Tyler. You’re my best friend, and I will be here for you no matter what.” Braelyn seen the doubt and pain in Tyler’s eyes before he looked away.
“First, let me tell you one last time that I love you. No matter what changes after this conversation, just know that much.”
“Tyler what’s wrong? Just tell me. I’m not going to be mad, or hate you if that’s what you think.” Braelyn took Tyler’s hand and kissed his palm. “I love you too Tyler, I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
“Back when Florida Georgia Line was just starting out I met a girl. Brianne, she was just a fling you could say. She didn’t like the fact that I was a country boy, and I didn’t want to change for her. We split and I returned home. You were already with Cian by this time, and I knew I didn’t have a chance to win your heart. Every time he hurt you I gladly welcomed you into my arms. I started to hope he would mess up, just so I could hold you and make everything better. Braelyn I wish you well, with Cian.”
“What do you mean? Tyler what’s going on?” Braelyn wasn’t sure where Tyler was going with this, but she hoped he wasn’t in any kind of trouble.
“Brianne came back, a few months ago. She gave me news that would be good for anybody else, but I took it as bad news. She’s pregnant and told me that it’s mine, I didn’t believe her. We had a paternity test done almost two weeks ago and they called her. She called me this morning, it was confirmed mine,” Tyler stopped and looked at Braelyn. He looked depressed, and his beautiful blue eyes were getting a little red.
“Ty, are you ok?” Braelyn squeezed his hand and let him pull her into his arms.
Then he spoke so sincerely. “I messed up Brae. I really messed up.” Tyler buried his face in her long mostly straight brown hair, and allowed a few moments to think what to say out loud. He knew what he wanted to say but the words were not coming out the way he wanted them to.
“Your positive the baby is yours?” Braelyn questioned him.
“Brianne said it was. Said the doctor called her with the results. I can’t stand Brianne, how am I going to have a child with her?” Tyler was getting more and more upset by the minute and Braelyn was helpless to stop it. She didn’t know how she could make this situation better.
“We’ll think of something, I promise.” Braelyn started to get up off the couch, but Tyler pulled on her hand and made her sit back down.
“Stay, don’t go anywhere.” Tyler pleaded with Braelyn. She sat back down on the couch and curled up next to Tyler.
“I won’t go anywhere, I’ll just get comfy right here with you.” Braelyn allowed Tyler to pull her close to him, and Tyler let her rest her head on his lap. Seeing her so comfortable helped him relax. Braelyn was the only girl around that could help him at a time like this. He watched as she slowly closed her eyes, struggling to stay awake. Tyler knew she wasn’t sleeping well at night, and if she could get a couple of minutes of sleep with him there he would let her.
“Go to sleep beautiful. You have a hard enough time without worrying about me.” Tyler stroked her soft hair and caressed her cheek as she fell asleep. “I love you Braelyn Hope VanZile,” Tyler whispered as he stroked her cheek with his fingertips. He lovingly gazed at Braelyn as she slept. The curve of her jaw, the way her hair fell over her face, he couldn’t stop staring at her beauty. Why couldn’t it be her? Why couldn’t she be carrying his baby and not Brianne? At that moment in time he didn’t care about Cian or Brianne. He only cared about Braelyn. The love he felt for her was not just brotherly, sisterly love. He really cared for her, he couldn’t stop thinking about her lips on his. He wanted her in his arms, he wanted to love her the way she deserved to be loved.
Tyler started to hum a tune very softly. Watching Braelyn sleep he started to think of lyrics to a song. “I’ll lay you down and love you just the way you should be…” Tyler sang softly, wishing he had his notebook to write the lyrics down. He tried to think of more lyrics, but he couldn’t. “It’s a dead song,” Tyler said to himself. He leaned back against the couch cushions and closed his eyes. He trailed his fingers up and down Braelyn’s arm, loving the feel of her soft silky skin.
“Tyler? Will you sing to me?” Braelyn asked, sleep thick in her voice. Her eyes were still closed, but Tyler looked right at her and smiled.
“Yes Brae, I will sing to you. What song?”
“That one you were just humming. Sounds like hit,” Braelyn smiled, but kept her eyes closed.
“It’s not a song sweet heart. I can’t even think of any good lyrics.”
“The one’s you were singing sounded great!”
“I’m sorry hun, I can’t sing you that one.”
“Oh, I really wanted to hear it. Oh well,” Braelyn turned over and looked at Tyler. “I’m glad you’re here. You’re going to make a wonderful daddy to that lucky child.”
“I just wish it wasn’t Brianne. Why couldn’t it be someone I love?”
“It doesn’t matter, that baby is going to love you, and you will love it in return.” Braelyn sat up and stretched. Tyler got a glimpse of the smooth skin on her stomach and looked away. “Try writing that song, I guarantee it’ll be popular.”
“I’ll give it a try,” Tyler promised her. He didn’t think she knew it was about her. Even if he did successfully write the song, he knew he wouldn’t be able to share it with anyone. It would be too special for that.
“Good, it’s a hit in the making. Do you want something to eat? I can cook up a quick dinner?” Braelyn asked getting up off the couch and looking at Tyler.
“No, I have to get going. Thanks for understanding Brae. You’re a great friend.” Tyler stood up and Braelyn followed him to the door.
“Don’t ever be afraid to come to me Tyler. I’ll always be here for you.” Braelyn stood on her tiptoes so she could kiss Tyler’s cheek. “You’re too damn tall.” Braelyn laughed. Tyler stood six foot, two inches. Braelyn only stood five foot, four inches. “Take care Ty. Stop by more often, or I’ll start surprising you again.”
“I will, be careful Brae. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.” Tyler walked out the door, and to his truck. He jumped up into the cab of the truck and started the engine. He grabbed the notebook and scribbled down the few lyrics he had thought of. He would think about the song later. Right now he had to get back to his place and hope Brianne was still there.

Brianne was sitting on Tyler’s couch talking to her father on her cell phone. She knew she owed him for forging the paternity test papers. If Tyler asked to see the results all she had to do was show him the fake papers. They looked real, and even carried the doctor’s signature. It hadn’t been hard to pay off the local doctor, so he would help convince Tyler that the baby was his. Now Tyler would stay with her and she wouldn’t have to worry about the baby’s real father.
“Yes daddy, thank you for everything. I know you approve of Tyler, and I know he’ll stay with me now…No, you don’t have to send anyone over here…Yes, I understand…No, Tyler is right where we want him…Yes Daddy…Tyler will be broken like a puppy…I promise, he won’t be able to leave when I’m finished with him…I love you too, Daddy.” Brianne hung up the phone just as Tyler’s silver, Silverado pulled into the driveway. “That truck has to go,” Brianne said to herself as she watched Tyler jumped out of the cab and walk to the front door. She quickly sat down and pretended to be reading a book about babies.
When Tyler walked in the living room, he seen Brianne sitting on the couch. She seemed to be focused on reading a baby book. He walked over to her, and cleared his throat. She put the book down and looked at him. “Can I talk to you, Brianne?”
“Yes, what is it?”
“I would like to keep the baby. It can stay here, attend a great school, and you can go back to the city. You would of course still be in its life, but you wouldn’t have to have to take care of it all the time. You could still do whatever you wanted to do. I would hire help when I go on tour, and…”
“So you’re saying you want complete custody of the child, and to get rid of me?”
“No, but I know you don’t like children, and I’m trying to give you the option to go back to your normal life.”
“I want you, Tyler. I don’t want to go through this shit and not have you. I’ll just get rid of the child and be done with all this bull shit.”
“I still don’t want you.” Tyler said turning and walking out to the kitchen. He grabbed his bottle of whiskey, which was becoming a familiar feel in his hand at night. He removed the top and tipped it back, letting the burning liquid slide down his throat. “When are you leaving?” Tyler shouted out to living room. He put the bottle to his lips again and took another long drink. Screw being sober, he hated Brianne, and he felt like she was starting to use him. He continued to drink the burning liquid long after Brianne had left. He drank it until he no longer no cared about anything or anyone. He thought he did, until he heard a knock on his door.

Take It Out On MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora