Chapter 12

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            Tyler woke up early the next morning and being careful not to wake up Braelyn, he got out of bed and put his boots on. He quietly made his way to the door, but before he could leave the room Braelyn woke up.

            “Tyler?” Braelyn sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. “Where are you going?”

            “I’m going to go make coffee. Are you ok?” Tyler turned around and walked over to her. He sat down on the bed next to her and leaned back against the pillow.

            “I’m fine, still tired though.”

            “Go back to sleep,” Tyler put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned against him.

            “I don’t want to, but I do want to stay in bed. Right here with you,” Braelyn tilted her head up so she was looking at Tyler. “Is that ok?”

            “That’s just fine,” Tyler kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer.

            Braelyn snuggled closer to Tyler’s side, and yawned. “I guess I could sleep a little longer, but I don’t want to.” Braelyn sighed and rolled out of bed, and walked over to her dresser and grabbed her brush. She turned and looked at Tyler while she brushed her hair.

            “Ummm, Brae? I think you’re missing something,” Tyler smiled at the bewildered look that crossed Braelyn’s face.


            “Your pants,” Tyler laughed as Braelyn looked down at her bare legs. 1

            “Oh well,” Braelyn turned around and opened the top drawer of her dresser. She pulled out a bottle of Jack and turned around. “Shall we have a drink?” She twisted the top off the bottle, pressed it to her lips, tipped her head back, and took a long drink from the bottle.

            “Tip it back baby girl! That is very sexy.” Tyler stood up and walked over to Braelyn. He took the bottle out of her hands and took a drink of the burning liquid. “Though we shouldn’t drink too much, we need to go see how Anna is doing.”

            “Later, if Brian needs us he’ll call us.” Braelyn took the bottle back and drank some more. “Sing to me!”

            “What would you like to hear?”

            “Surprise me!” Braelyn threw Tyler her spare Florida Georgia Line CD and they walked out to the living room. Tyler put the CD in the DVD player and started to play track ten.

            “Great choice!” Braelyn was drinking the Jack pretty fast, and was already starting to feel the effects of it. She started to dance around the living room, seeming to forget that she wanted Tyler to sing to her. She grabbed Tyler’s hand and pulled him along after her.

            Tyler pulled on her hand and pulled her to him. He took the bottle of Jack out of her hand and set it on the coffee table. “I think it’s time you settled down a little bit. I mean dayum baby.”

            “What?” Braelyn laughed throwing her arms around Tyler’s neck. “Am I too much for you?”

            “I think you’re just right for me,” Tyler put her at arm’s length and smiled at her confused look. “Are you drunk Brae?”

            “Huh? No, I don’t think so. Maybe I am…just a little bit.” Braelyn broke out laughing again. She tried to take a step back, but her foot got tangled in the throw rug and she started to fall backwards.

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