Chapter 10

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        Tyler opened his eyes to an extremely bright sun shining into his bedroom window. He threw his arm over his eyes and laid there listening to the sounds of the morning. He didn’t want to get up, he had drank way to much last night, and couldn’t remember anything. It wasn’t normal for him to have blackouts, and he couldn’t remember anything that had happened the previous night. Tyler heard the rustle of blankets and the small noises of a sleeping female next to him. He froze for a minute, wondering who could be sleeping next to him. He tried to remember what happened the previous night, but there was just a black hole where his memories should have been. Tyler slowly moved his arm away from his face and turned his head so he was looking at the girl next to him.

            “Great,” Tyler whispered to himself. “Way to go,” Tyler sat up, the blanket falling around his waist. He got out of bed and pulled his jeans on. Looking back at the sleeping woman in his bed, he shook his head and walked out of the room and to the bathroom. Tyler splashed cold water on his face, once again trying to remember what had happened the previous night. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, and pulled it out. He blinked a couple times, trying to get his eyes to focus. Tyler answered the phone and BK’s voice floated out of the speaker.

            “Tyler, where were you last night? I tried calling you multiple times, why the hell didn’t you answer your phone?”

            “I have no idea where I was last night, I’m guessing I was home. I woke up in my own bed, but not alone. I have no idea what happened last night. I can’t remember shit.” Tyler told Brian everything he remembered and waited for his friend to say something.

            “Who is in your bed?” Was all Brian asked, the first step to finding out what happened the night before was finding out who Tyler had slept with.

            Tyler didn’t really want to answer the question. He had no idea how she got in his bed, and he wasn’t sure how far things had gotten. “It’s Brianne, I don’t know what happened last night. I don’t even remember drinking. All I remember was Braelyn had called to ask me a question, but I don’t remember what the question was.”

            “Tyler, I think Brianne drugged you.” Brian had never been a fan of Brianne. He knew Tyler would be better off with someone else. Even if Brianne was pregnant, it didn’t mean Tyler had to be stuck with her.

            “Don’t be ridiculous Brian. I wasn’t drugged, I just can’t remember anything from last night. Maybe I fell and hit my head?”

            “Tyler, do you hear yourself right now? Loss of memory, and Brianne being in your bed even though you told her you don’t care for her. Get in your truck and go get tested for any and every drug they can test you for. If she gave you something, it could be harmful.”

            “I’m fine, I don’t even have a hangover. I feel great, just can’t remember anything. I’m going to call Braelyn, and ask her to come over and help me get Brianne out of my bed…and my house. I’ll call you later.” Tyler hung up his phone and dialed Braelyn’s number.

            “Why are you calling me? You made it very clear last night that you didn’t want to talk to me ever again. I’m not going to play childish games with you Tyler.” Braelyn said the second she picked up the phone.

            “What are you talking about? If I called you last night, tell me everything that was said and what happened.”
            “You know damn well what was said! Now if you don’t mind I’m a little busy at the moment.” Braelyn couldn’t believe Tyler was going to play dumb. The things he had said to her last night when he called her were unforgivable.

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