Chapter 6

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Finally finished chapter 6!!! After having writers block for several days...I thought i'd never get it finished!!! I do hope you enjoy chapter 6 and since "Dirt," Florida Georgia Line's new single came out Yesterday (7/8/2014) I plan to put a little something special in chapter 7 : )

            It had been a three and a half months since Tyler found out that Brianne was pregnant, and with every passing day he found it harder to be around Braelyn. Brianne had a small baby bump that told Tyler she wasn’t lying, she was definitely pregnant. The question was, was it really his? Brianne was staying close to town with friends and it was putting Tyler on edge. Every time Brianne showed up at his house unexpectedly he worried that Braelyn would show up and he would be forced to tell her what was going on. Tyler didn’t want Braelyn to know until he had no other choice. To make matters worse, whenever Brianne showed up at Tyler’s house she was always wearing a tight shirt that showed everything. Why couldn’t she wear maternity clothes like every other woman out there? He didn’t want to see her body, if he loved her it would be a different story he told himself. If it was Braelyn…he shoved the thought out of his head. Brianne wasn’t Braelyn, and Braelyn was taken. She and Cian had taken the next step in their relationship and they were talking about getting engaged. Tyler knew Cian was still cheating on Braelyn. He had seen Cian kissing another woman while he was in town. He never told her though. He knew it would only upset her, but it still wouldn’t make her leave. Even if she did leave Cian, Tyler was stuck with Brianne.

            “Have you even thought of names?” Tyler asked Brianne. She was sitting on the couch, with a cup of coffee watching TV.

            “Nope,” Brianne set her coffee down, stood up, and walked over to where Tyler was.

            “You should, the baby needs a name.”

            “Why don’t you name it?” She put her arms around Tyler’s neck and tried to kiss him, but he turned his head and stepped away from her. “What’s your problem Tyler?”

            “You Brianne, I don’t love you.”
            “So why are you sticking around?”

            “You’re the one sticking around. I said I’d help raise the child, if it is indeed mine. I never said I’d love you.”

            “What’s the point of being pregnant if I don’t even get affection from you? I didn’t choose to have my body destroyed by some brat.”

            “If that’s what you think of your baby, then get out of my house. That baby didn’t choose you as a mother, it doesn’t get to choose what kind of life it will have. You do, you decide whether or not that child will have a decent life. If you can’t even respect the life that’s growing inside of you, how do expect me to respect you?” Tyler walked to the door and opened it. “You can leave now.”

            “Tyler, come on.”

            “No, I can’t sit here and listen to you complain about that baby. Call me when he’s born,” Tyler walked out the door and to his truck. If she wasn’t going to leave he was.

            “Tyler, wait!” Brianne jogged to the truck and stopped him from closing his door. “I’m sorry, ok? I’m trying to care, but it’s not easy. People told me that I’d start to love the baby, but I don’t. I’m always hungry, I’m always sick, and I’m getting fat!” Brianne motioned to her stomach and rolled her eyes. “I feel nothing for the baby.”

            “Then I feel nothing for you,” Tyler shut his door, started the engine, and backed out of his driveway. He headed towards town, but pulled over half way there. He needed time to think. He needed to make a decision. He had been researching prenatal paternity testing, and found out that it was easier than he thought. There was a simple blood test that could be done, a small blood sample from him and Brianne was all that would be needed. He finally decided that was what he wanted. He was going to tell Brianne that he wanted a paternity test done.

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