Chapter 22

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Tyler looked at the tiny baby in his arms, the little one was fast asleep. Tyler looked at Braelyn who was asleep and smiled at her. "You did good Brae." Tyler bent his face to his baby's forehead and kissed it. He laid the small baby in the bassinet and quietly left the room. He walked to the waiting room and joined a sleeping Brian. Tyler shook his best friend awake and waited for the excitement to register on his face.

"Boy or girl?"

"Arianna Hubbard, want to see her?"

"Yeah!" Brian jumped out of his chair and quickly followed Tyler into the room where Arianna and Braelyn were sleeping. Tyler carefully picked Arianna up and handed her to Brian. Tyler smiled at the adoring look Brian gave the tiny baby in his arms. "Welcome to the world little one! I wish Anna was here to see her, she'd love her." Brian sat down and started to sing to Arianna. Tyler didn't know the song, but Brian knew a lot of songs that Tyler didn't.

"And I thought I'd wake up to Tyler singing songs to Arianna." Braelyn smiled at Brian and sat up. "So when are we going back on tour?"

"As soon as they let you and Arianna out of here. Brian's going back to the buses tonight. I will stay with you until you are cleared to go. Doctor says he may discharge you tomorrow. He knows we have a tight schedule to keep. We were able to reschedule two shows, if you are discharged tomorrow we will be able to make it to the show up in Rochester, New York." Tyler took Arianna from Brian and went over and sat next to Braelyn on the bed. "Our baby is as beautiful as her mother."

"But she has her Daddy's eyes." Arianna started to wake up and Braelyn smiled lovingly at her. She glanced up at Tyler and seen the look of love on his face, she knew he would be a great father.

"I should get back to Kacey. I will see you three in the morning," Brian wished everyone good night and left the hospital.

A week later, Braelyn was lying next to Tyler in their bed on the bus. She stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Sighing she got out of bed and walked out into the main room of the Bus. They had to travel from New York to Florida for the next show. Braelyn was sick of being on the bus, she couldn't stand it any longer. This was no way to raise a baby, and she knew this wasn't how she wanted to raise her baby. She plopped down on the couch and stared at the black TV screen. She debated turning the TV on, but she decided she just wanted to sit in the dark. After a while the bus stopped at a gas station and Braelyn got off to stretch her legs. She walked into the gas station and glanced behind her toward the bus. She really wasn't paying attention when she ran right into someone. She turned to face the person she had run into and started apologizing.

"I'm so sorry!" Braelyn apologized to the man she had run into.

"Its fine. No harm done," he said in a thick Irish accent.

Braelyn continued apologizing, not even realizing the huge smile on the strangers face.

"If I had been paying attention like I should have been..."

"Really, it's fine. I'm Keith Harkin."

"Braelyn...Wait...Keith? Harkin?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"Oh no! You're headed to Florida right?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're opening for Florida Georgia Line. I'm with Tyler Hubbard."

"Now I know who you are. You and Tyler just had a little girl right?"

"Yeah, her name is Arianna."

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