Chapter 2

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Tyler woke up early the next morning to what sounded like someone being sick in his bathroom. His thoughts quickly returned to the night before and of Braelyn. He jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom to make sure she was ok.

“How are you?” Tyler asked getting a washcloth and running it under the cold water. He wiped her mouth, and pressed the damp cloth to her forehead. “You look like shit.”

“I feel even worse. I hate you, you know that right?” Braelyn closed her eyes as Tyler pressed the cool cloth to her face. It felt so good on her over heated face.

“I know darlin’, and I’m sorry.” Tyler sat on the floor next to her, pulling her into his arms, trying to comfort her as much as he could. “You shouldn’t have drank so much last night.”

“You shouldn’t have given me whisky, you bastard. My head feels like someone is trying to split it like wood.”

Tyler got up, got her some Tylenol and a small cup of water and then sat down again, pulling her back into his arms. “Take that, it won’t be instant, but it’ll help.”

“Thanks.” Braelyn swallowed the pills, then leaned into Tyler. “Thanks for everything, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” She closed her eyes, and was soon asleep. Tyler carefully picked her up, put her in bed and covered her up.

When Braelyn woke up it was two thirty in the afternoon. She sat up, and stretched. Looking at the clock, she cursed, and quickly ran out to the living room. Pulling on her shoes, she looked around trying to find Tyler. She walked into the kitchen and found him sitting at the table writing something in a notebook. He closed the notebook as she entered the kitchen.

“Good afternoon, sleeping beauty. Are you hungry?”

“I actually have to get running. Thanks again for everything Tyler. I’ll call you later.” She gave Tyler a hug, before running to her truck and driving home.

When she pulled into her driveway, she cursed under her breath. Sitting in the spot, where she usually parked her truck was Cian’s car. She jumped out of her truck as Cian approached her.

“Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour now.”

“Sorry, I got caught up. Why are you here anyway?”

“I told you I was going to take you out.”

“Yes, but it’s only three, I figured you would be here around five, or later.” Too late she realized she was still wearing Tyler’s shirt, when she saw Cian’s expression turn to anger.

“You were with him, weren’t you?”

“Cian, he’s just a friend.”

“A friend huh? Then why are you wearing his shirt? I supposed you spent the night with him too?”

“Yes, I did. He is a friend Cian.”

“Did you fuck him, too?”

“What? No, what part of friend, don’t you understand?”

“I understand that it’s three in the afternoon, you’re just getting home. You smell like alcohol, and you’re wearing that asshole’s shirt.”

“Don’t call him that, and I can drink with a friend if I want to.”

“Yeah, I suppose you can. Next time you can drink as a single woman.”

“Cian don’t do this, can’t we just forget what happened? You cheated on me, I didn’t cheat on you. I hung out with a friend.”

“You lied to me, bitch. You said you were out with the girls when I called you last night.” Cian was so angry with her. He took his fist and punched her in the cheek, right below her eye.

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