Chapter 4

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        The next morning Tyler woke up cramped in his truck. He quickly thought back to the night before, and wondered why he hadn’t gone into his house. He had gotten home late, and was tired. He had closed his eyes for what seemed like only a few seconds and had fallen asleep. He stepped out of his truck and stretched. Running his hands through his hair, he started to walk to his house. He wanted to grab a shower, and eat some breakfast before starting the day. Tyler reached his door and was getting his keys out to unlock it when he heard his name. Tyler turned around and there, at the end of his driveway, in a brand new Ferrari was his ex-girlfriend, Brianne. Rolling his eyes, he unlocked his front door and went inside. He shut the door and continued to the kitchen to start getting his breakfast ready.

            Brianne pulled into his driveway, got out and looked around. She hated the country. She never understood why someone like Tyler would want to live out here. She glanced at the old barn out behind Tyler’s house, and turned her nose up at it. She smoothed the wrinkles out of her dress and started walking toward the house. “He needs to put a sidewalk or something here,” She grumbled, tip toeing across the damp earth to the door. She knocked loudly on the door and waited a few seconds. When Tyler didn’t open the door instantly, she knocked again even louder. This time continuing to beat on the door until Tyler finally opened it.

            “What do you want? I thought I was a…What was it you said? A redneck, hillbilly who didn’t deserve to date a pig?” Tyler glared at Brianne and refused to let her into his house.

            “Tyler, you know I didn’t mean that. We got into a little argument. Forgive and forget right?” Brianne touched Tyler’s shoulder, and he smacked her hand away.

            “No, you were right about one thing. I’m too country for you, I won’t change that. Now state your business or get off my property.”

            “Can I come in at least? It smells out here, and my shoes have mud on them. Why don’t you put a sidewalk in? Or just pave the whole thing?”

            “Believe it or not, the people around here don’t care about mud. We actually have fun with it, and we love to get our trucks dirty.” Tyler didn't want to let her into his house, but he knew she wasn't going to go away until she said what she came to say. He turned and walked into the house and to the kitchen. He wasn't pleased she was even here, he had hoped he would never have to see her again. He had made a big mistake dating her. He and Brian had just started to make a name for themselves when she entered the picture. Beautiful and rich, she was the kind of girl Tyler thought would never be interested in him. Long blonde hair and a small waist, Tyler couldn't say no when she asked him to have a drink with her. One thing had led to another, and that country boy thought he had been in love. Then one day he took her out to a stable in the country, wanting to take her for a horseback ride. She demanded he take her back to civilization and pavement, called him names and refused to get out of his truck. When he dropped her off later that day, he told her he was going home. That she had made him realize the city was no place for a country boy, and a city snob was not the kind girl for him. He left her standing outside her father’s mansion, and never looked back.

            “Tyler, you refused to return my calls, and wouldn’t answer my text messages. I was beginning to think you fell off the face of the earth, and judging by where you live…I guess you pretty much did.” Brianne glanced around the kitchen, a look of disgust on her face. “You really should update this old place. I mean it looks like poor people live here,” She walked over to the cabinets and opened them. She found the cabinet that held the glasses and grabbed one. Looking at it, she decided she wasn’t thirsty and put it back.

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