Thank You/Anniversary/Apology

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First off, I want to say thank you to all of you. Thank you. No, I'm not leaving or retiring or anything like that. No, today is a special day, at least for me. Today is my one-year anniversary (September 2nd) of getting back into writing, and these stories I publish simultaneously.

This may not sound like a big deal, but for me, it is because there is a story behind my writing and why I did it and picked it back up. If that's cool with you, all ok with me explaining my story and ranting a bit, or you just scroll down to the part where I thank certain people specifically and all of you.

Well, I guess I should explain; for many of you who don't know, I technically have been writing since 2018 since my senior year of high school (technically longer, but those were side projects I did on the offside). But mainly, the first ever story I published was back in 2016 (my sophomore year) called Heart gates.

This story....was HOT ASS!!! Yeah, I'm gonna say it, my first true ever story I publish on this site is terrible, LIKE SUPER BAD!!! I had some hope for it, but an issue came up with me getting my phone stolen, which ended up causing me to lose all my information for this story and many others! Which sucks, but I got over it.

But anyway, the first REAL story I ever put on this site was an Original story titled Bio Humans. It was a story I came up with in my senior year that came about because my friends, well...they knew I like to write and had some interesting ideas, but the issue was...I was too chicken to do them!! So we made a bet that I couldn't finish one entire story/book before senior year, and well, I wasn't going back down from doing it, so I did a whole story...well, a part 1.

And thus, Bio Humans was created, and yes, it has some cliche and a few, well, no.... I have a lot of errors and cringe. Still, it means something to me because it helps me overcome a writer's fear before publishing stories, and finishing that story helps me with that. To this day, I still feel somewhat proud of it and want to go back and finish the other two books for that series (Yes, it was supposed to be a three-book series). much as I liked what I did with it...if you go on my page, it is still there. It wasn't well didn't get no reads (Most of the read was from me reading over and over again), and as selfish as this sounds, I was slightly disappointed and thought people didn't like it.

And I want to continue the next original book since I had this whole big plan I was supposed to do back then. And a chain of books that was supposed to come out that would later connect. But after about 5-6 months of basically just me reading my own book over and over again myself to maybe get more people to read it...I guess you can say I felt like a failure. So...I stop writing...

I stopped writing stories and mainly focused on reading other fics on this site. I had other stories planned, but deep down, I felt people wouldn't read them if no one wanted to read my crappy first story. Why would people read any of my other stories? I had a plan. And so, for the next year and a half, I mainly stuck to reading other people's stuff.

But I don't know what it was to this day what clicked in my head. But one day, I just thought to myself...I have some exciting ideas...I don't see people doing it this way. Or doing this? This sounds like a cool idea. Why hasn't no one done it? Why does it have to be done this way?

After that, I started planning fics again, mainly for the MHA fandom. (Since, at the time, I was getting more into the MHA fandom) And I started just saying random things in the comment section. And after seeing other people slightly agreeing with some of the stuff. I was thinking and liking some of the ideas I was pitching out there. I ask myself...maybe I could start somewhere else...fanfic?

But at this point in my life, I was still scared of what people would think of it. Will people not like it? Will people not find it interesting? Will people read it? But then I met two to four unique people. I will thank two of them in the @ later.

But the first person who helps me a lot goes by Natsu Uchina on youtube. I tune in a lot to most of his stream, and I was regular a lot in his stream. There were times when it would just be him, me. Maybe one or two other people and I would just type/talk about anime stuff. It soon involved some of the story ideas I had come up with throughout the year, and to hear people actually liking some of them helped a lot.

Some of you might be surprised by this, but it was a sports channel by TNJ on youtube. I started commenting on sections and acting like a sports writer or journalist, talking about some of his team's dynasties he did early in the years. And I just was doing it for fun (I'm a huge sports fan and used to play them; I still do here and there). But seeing the person who ran the channel and other people loving what I was felt nice...

But then I had to go on deployment. (I was entirely in the military at this point in my life). And while I was out at sea, I could get Wattpad to work a bit. For me to read and comment while I was out there. And then I met them...more on them in the actual thank you.

But after all this and talking to a few more people, I finally decided to publish my first four stories and just see how it went. And well...look at where we are.

Sorry for my long rant and for somewhat explaining my backstory into getting back into writing. I just want to give you a little insight into why I'm doing this. Thank you, and why it means so much. But on to the actual thank you.


Man, Ok, this one is more of an apology!!! I am SO SO SORRY!!! To everyone who has enjoyed this story and has been waiting patiently for a new chapter for this. I'm so sorry that you all are still waiting. The fact you see all the other fics get updates, and this fic is sitting here suffering... I'm sorry again.

So I guess I should explain...what the fuck happen? Why did I stop updating this story/fic? Well, this is probably one of the dumbest reasons why but I decided to upload this story and two other fics over up on A03, and.... let's just say people didn't like it as much over there as people did here, and oh boy the crap I got for this fic basically nearly stop me from writing, nearly.

I have opened the word doc for this story and written a bit. But always stop because part of my motivation for this story has slowed down. But I still want to show what ideas I got from this fic. If anyone who has read just a bit of my other fics knows there is some potential for this...I just need to find the writing motivation to continue writing this fic.

I know this is a lot to ask, but all I ask is, please just be patient a bit longer and give me time to find some motivation to write this fic again. There is a reason why I didn't put a Hiatus tag on this story I still want to write. I just have to get in the writing mindset. But sooner or later, something will click in my mind to pick this back up and write another chapter for this fic.

I would explain how this came about, but it all starts as a simple question: What if you make a classroom full of midoriya's and throw them into one world? That was the original plan and somewhat is...I just had to change it because if I would have stuck with the original script for this story, I would have been entirely lost and had no real plan or fun with this story in my eyes. I promise I will return to this story and update this story sooner or later.

So for all those who actually put this story in their reading list, voted, and even went as far as to comment on this story. I REALLY DO MEAN THANK YOU! Seeing people caring for a story that hasn't been updated in MONTHS and wanting to see updates means a lot. I will get off my lazy ass and update this story for you all. So again, thank you.

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