Chapter Seven: The Triwizard Tournament

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~.~.~Y/n's POV~.~.~
•Parts 11 and 12•

Cedric and I stepped off the train onto Hogsmeade platform, the sky was dark and stars littered the sky over the trees that surround Hogwarts castle.

"It never gets old." I smiled to Cedric, looking up at the shining castle, small lights illuminating the small windows that wrap and wind around the castle.

"And to think I have two years left." Cedric added, a small smile on his face.

"Lucky for some." I said to him, pointing at myself. "I still have three left."

"I know you're lucky, I'm going to have to get a job sooner than you are." Cedric sighed.

"Oh no." I said sarcastically. "Cedric's gonna have to get a job."

"Shut up Y/n." He laughed.

The two of us climbed into the carriages, we both sat in the far corner before we noticed someone else climb in, I glanced over and saw Fred and George Weasley. Cedric gave me a wide-eyed look and I audibly gulped.

We awkwardly sat, looking at each other as the carriage trotted up the bumpy road towards the castle, I could feel eyes burning into my skin, but refusing to look, I could tell it was Fred.

The carriage finally stopped and it never felt so nice to finally climb out and feel the air on my face, I sighed and looked at Cedric with a relived look. We noticed that there was a large crowd of people that were standing at the archway.

Suddenly, we saw four flying horses flying through the air pulling a carriage coming in to land at Hogwarts. It was hurling and flying through the breeze before Hagrid's voice boomed through cheers of the crowd.

"Clear the runway." He called, the coach speedily approached the runway, he had to dive out of the way to avoid a collision with the coach.

"Well there's something you don't see every day." I heard Fred say with a slight laugh in his voice.

Then, a sail post began to poke out of the water, it continued to form into a large ship and it fully emerged from under the water and approaches too.

McGonagall ran out and ushered us all into the great hall, we moved to our respective tables. Cedric and I moved our way over to the Hufflepuff table and took our seats.

We watched as the new first years come down and get sorted into their houses. It seemed to take a while, but finally. The last person was finally sorted into Ravenclaw, but before the feast appeared on the tables, Dumbledore walked up to the podium.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests
as well. You see Hogwarts has been choosen..." He started before he got interrupted.

Filch began to run up the aisle limping in a comical way, which makes all the students smile and giggle to themselves. He whispers something to Dumbledore and leaves in the same fashion.

"So Hogwarts has been choosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if choosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic
and their headmistress Madam Maxime.

The Hufflepuff with a Reputation |Fred Weasley x Fem reader|Where stories live. Discover now