A plan set in Motion

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"Wah.." You start to shiver and drop to the grounds. "Sunjai?" Aiden says as he gets down with you "WHY ARE YOU HERE" You scream and everyone runs over "We could be asking you the same thing" Tyler grabs you by your collar and raises you in the air. "Put my sister down." Milo says with a smile. "Tyler put her down!" Taylor says behind him. He puts you down and you go to your brothers to give the a hug. "We want answers how are you in the shadow realm." Tyshon says with irritation in his face." You all sit down explaining how they all got here. "So you guys went to savannah and when you woke up again you guys were in the dimension?" Tyshon asks? "Yeah that sums it up" Logan says. You were still with Milo curled up in a ball with tears running down your eyes thinking you almost shot your new friend. "Sunjai?" You look up to see Aiden. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." you say and you start to tear up. "It's not your fault Sunjai you wouldn't have known" Ashlyn comes up to you and Aiden. "Me, Milo and Tyshon have been here for a long time. I've never thought anyone else could be here." You say as you lean against your brother. "That's what we thought too but it's ok we can all work together now." Ashlyn says. "Who says we'll together?" Tyshon asks. "For all we know you guys could just steal our stuff and go some where else." He says and blocks me and Milo. "Chill out Ty, even if they did do that they would just be leaving the base and that's pretty unsafe and we could just find them when we wake up" Milo says and puts a hand on Tyshon. "Like Milo says we have no intention of stealing from you at all." Taylor adds on. "Um I have suggestion." Logan says out of no where. "What if we all work together I mean like think about it. Milo and Tyshon are old enough to drive us back to Savannah where it all started." We all stare at Logan for a quick 3 seconds. "LOGAN YOUR A GENIUS!" I shout and get up. "If we find the right clues then this could all end in a matter of a month!" I say. "Right so let's be carful and we'll talk more about it at school." Ashlyn says. Then we hear a beep and I'm back in my bedroom. Right the plan is set in motion.

(Do sorry I haven't been able to post recently School has been getting in the way"

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