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By the time I woke up I was lying down on one of the seats on the bus with Milo next to me. " Sunjai thank god! Are you ok this is why we don't let you go outside when it's cold!" Milo says with worry. " Yeah your right im sorry I made you worry." I apologize. " Don't apologize to me apologize to Mr.Angrypants outside." Milo says and points to the bus window. I look out the window and see Tyshon pacing around while taylor is following him trying to calm him down. I see he doesn't want to snap at her but he gets a bit irritated each time she says something. I walk out the bus and run behind my brother to give him a hug. " HEY WHAT THE HELL GET-" He screams and I back up. " Oh Sunjai!" He turns around and hugs me. " I'm fine I promise it's ok." I say while patting his back. A couple minutes pass by and Ashlyn claps her hands to get everyone's attention. " Alright guys. We have our plan set up Tyshon and Milo will drive sense they know how and take us to the gun shop once we get there we grab everything we need and drive back." Ashlyn says and looks at the keys. " Here Tyshon, you Need These." She throws the keys to him and Tyshon catches. We make sure all of us have our weapons and everything. " Ready?" Ashlyn asked." " Ready!" We all say. Aiden opens the gate to the graveyard and the phantoms here this and start running and screaming. The car vrooms towards Aiden and he pushes the button again so the door could close just in time for us to get out and for no phantoms to get in. " GRAB MY HAND AIDEN." Ashlyn screams. He takes her hand and lifts him into the hero driving off.  " We did it we got out with nothing to worry about yet!" Taylor says. " Horray..!" Logan says his voice a bit scared. Tyler sees this and gives him a hug and Logan calms down. " Aww!!" Me and Taylor
say and both of them let go of each other. " Stay focused you two." Ashlyn calls out from the back and we both nod. What felt like the longest car ride ever I start to drift a asleep when suddenly Ben taps Aiden shoulder. " hm, what's up?" Aiden asked and Ben points over in the distance. " Aiden gets up to look and sees the weapon shop and tells Tyshon to turn in. Finally after all this time we're getting somewhere

School Bus graveyard (Character insert)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن