"Cold, I'm so Cold...."

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It was winter and when I woke I saw the snow outside my window. I'm no stranger to clothes no matter what season it is however looking at the weather I knew it was gonna be hella cold. " 10 DEGREES?!?" I screamed and thought my phone on my bed. " AMOR!" My mom called out. " Lo siento mama!" I say I'm sorry in Spanish. My family is mixed up of a lot of different cultures lucky for me I'm a fast learner so I speak a few languages. Then I had got a idea for an outfit. It was a weekend so I could wear whatever. I picked out a fuzzy black long sleeve dress some stockings and leg warmers. I did straighten my hair which was good idea cause I looked good. " Mom! I heading out to meet with Ashlyn for practice." I called out from the door. " Ok be back before dinner!" I walk out with my dance back and see Ashlyn at the bus stop with a scarf around her whole face almost enough to cover her eyes. " Good morning Ashlyn" I say and wave. " Oh I didn't notice you came out good morning." She said it just became awkward after that. " Um, well you ready to go?" I ask. " Yeah let's go." She says and we both start walking to a studio me and Ashlyn both go to that's not so crowded. Her dad let us rent a room for the talent show to practice. We got to the dance studio and see Ben and Aiden standing outside the room door. " Hey you two what are you doing here?" I ask in confusion. " I wanted to watch and so did Ben. The twins were busy and Logan was studying for the test." Aiden says. " we'll me and Sunjai are gonna get change" Ashlyn says and me and her go into the changing rooms. Once both of us are change we put on our shoes. Our routine is about to different girls having there difference between life but both share one thing. Dance. Ashlyn plays the role of a ballerina and I play the role of a jazz dancer. " Ok Ashlyn I'm gonna start the music to your part." I say and press the button to the music on my phone. Ashlyn start to dance with turns and leaps and it looks so mesmerizing. And I wasn't the only one who thought that. I look at Aiden and Ben and Aiden looked like he had seen an angel his face was just pure and light. " I know right it's so pretty the way she dances." I whisper  snapping him out of his thoughts. " yeah." He just says with his grin at me. The music ends and Ashlyn stops. " Alright that was pretty good you ready Sunjai?" Ashlyn asks me and I nod. She starts the music and I start my dance when im dancing i get into a moment I close my eyes and just dance and imagine myself anywhere. Where I imagine myself was the desert dancing in front of him and then suddenly I pause and trip over myself but I get back up. "I can't remember right now" I say to myself and imagine myself back in the desert in front of a crowd. Dancing my heart out and finishing back at the studio. " That was really good Sunjai." Aiden says and Ben nods as he looks up from his notebook. " Thanks you two" Me and Ashlyn finish up our rehearsals and pack up and walk back home with Ben and Aiden. " It wasn't this cold when we first came here.." I say and I warm my hands. " it wasn't snowing either we gotta hurry a blizzard is coming." Ashlyn says and we start to speed up. I love Winter but it's something about blizzards that give me the chills ( no pun intended). I start to freeze. " Sunjai?" Ashlyn calls put. " I- Cold it's so cold.." and just like that I see nothing but black

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