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So many a swallow

Sits on the branch laden.

Songs of chirrups ring

In the spring reeking of love.

Bride once again,

Nature veiled in the colourful blossoms.

But many a spring has come and gone,

So now she dresses in dark autumns.

Crying her tears from the troubled clouds,

Her withering heart

Sings his elegies in the winds.

But so many a cloud came and went,

And the tears are now a luxury.

The tear strained meadows become frosted lands,

Barren and dead, cold and dry.

Now in white, rules a vacant serenity.

But the wheel of time conquers them all,

Brings the swallows back from exile,

And once again, It's spring. 


P/ n: Please vote if you like the poem, and follow me on instagram for more poetry ❤❤❤❤

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