It was you.

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Why was it so hard, I understand it now

To reiterate myself the reasons of putting down

That facade of ivory glory.

Because the fault wasn't mine,

That I confused the silver for platinum shine,

Only to find the blackened ridges in time.

I didn't mistake one for the other,

You sold it to me as a starlight fever.

You knew I wasn't fine,

Pretending mellow and nice,

lavender and sunshine.

You knew I saw through

All your illusions and arts.

And you damn well knew-

I could sew that torn sweater,

Yet you forgot my hands trembled

Each time I reached out in the winter.

So yes I say, I have bled for you,

That crimson sun that turned

my peaceful grey into a muddy lake.

So yes I say, I have to repaint those roots

Take any exclusive right of your memory

From my mind, and feed it to some loafing soul.

So yes I say, it wasn't me dreaming.

Oh it wasn't me hiding, it wasn't me running,

Wasn't me pretending, it was you.


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