Lord, I thank thee.

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Lord, I never thought I could swim to the shore

Could untie the anchor of past drowning me by force

Of blame, loss, lies and hoax.

Oh lord, I thank thee

For pulling me out when I couldn't breathe.

For giving me the stars when my sun had set,

So I could leave the shackles forever in the slave ship wrecked,

And find a home of love and respect.

Oh lord, after the last run, I never thought I could stand,

But you taught me to walk, holding my hand.

Oh lord, I thought I could never feel again,

Afer losing the war again and again,

But you lifted me up from the battle field,

And yielded me strength, when I was about to kneel.

Oh lord, I thought I'd never heal and just bleed to death,

But you sewed my heart by your blessed golden thread.

Oh lord how thankful I am,

For you helped me find myself and reality

When a hoax of hope was all I had. 


P/n: Please vote if you liked the poem, and follow me on Instagram for more poetry ❤❤❤❤.

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