Crying under the Wisteria Tree

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So we're here again,

I'm crumbling before the wisteria tree

You're awake in your oblivion sleep.

I could talk like before,

But my tongue is numb

 My lips are sealed.

I try to utter just a 'hello'

Over the telephone,

But the line fades

Into a prerecorded memory.

I have no tears left to leak,

No cuts left to bleed ,

And no words left to speak,

So where does this lead me?

I ask the clouds, walking through the spiralling past,

I ask the static leaves, I ask the sky, overcast.

Where does this lead us,

I plead- but your silence is all I receive.

I tried to reach out, I swear I did.

But how many times will be enough?

How did we get back here,

Where we'd begun-

Crying under the wisteria tree?

A catastrophe hits my house,

In my heart, I safekeep you;

By my voice I beckon you,

By my actions I beseech you.

The lightning strikes yours

And I'm the last one to know,

But somehow the only one to try.

Until when shall I walk 

upto that door,

 without an invite, without a prior word?

Each time, every time.

Once, I brush it off.

Twice, I laugh it off.

Thrice, I call you on,

Now what?

Where are we going to hide?





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