Chapter one: The Guardian

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It's been one month since Amari lost her mom and older brother figure. Amari has been trying so hard to stay strong for her mom.

Her dad has been coping in a different way. After a week since Amber's death, Han, Amari's dad, has been bring different women to their house every night.

He's been getting drunk every day as well. Amari tried to get him off the alcohol. But it would never work.

General Iroh has been back and he's teaching Amari more advanced bending and battling techniques.

One day when Amari was one her way back home, she open her door to her home to be frozen in shock.

It was her dad and Lu Ten's girlfriend. "Dad! What are you doing? Mia! I thought you were better than this!"

Han turned around at looked at his daughter, "Shut up, you brat!" Amari looked furious, "Brat!? I'm trying to figure out what to do with mom gone, but you. You've given up! You have stooped so low that your fucking my brother's girlfriend!"


Blood. Blood is all Amari can see. Shaking covering her left eye. She shoots a fire blast at her dad. She get up and runs back to the palace.

She runs and doesn't stop until she is in front of the turtle-duck pond. Tears and blood mix and slide down the young nine year-old's face.

She looks at her reflection in the water. A large gash was over her blue eye. In the darkness, her back started burning. "Aghh." She tries to keep quiet.

She uncovers her shoulder to see four dragons on her back. Puzzled, a bright light catches her eye.

Covering up her shoulder she glances up into the sky and sees the moon. A full moon. She smiled with tears still running down her face.

"What do I do? Mom, why did you have to go? Because, I see it all now that you're gone. Dad's true colors, and I miss you so much. I miss Lu Ten too. Why? Why did you both have to go."

Amari falls to her knees crying. "Don't cry child." Amari gasps, she looks up. She sees a beautiful woman in front of her. She had white hair, bright glowing blue eyes, and she's wearing a white dress.

"Who are you?" The girl asks the woman in front of her, "My name is Tui. I am the moon spirit. And you my dear, you are the guardian."

Amari looks at the woman with wide eyes, "What is the guardian? And how do you know that I'm the guardian?"

Tui bent down to Amari's level. "Let me tell you a story. Two powerful spirits fought and the protector spirit tried to bring peace, a young man and woman's destiny got involved. A long time has past before, one of the Avatar's got corrupted with power. No one could stop him, until his best friend took his bending away. A guardian for the Avatar, the mortal world, and the spirit realm. When the guardian reaches their lowest point is when they are marked as the Guardian. The four dragons on your shoulder represent the four nations."

Amari looks at the moon spirit with uncertainty, "I know you're confused, but try bend the water in the pond."

"I can't bend water. I'm a firebender." Tui places a hand on her shoulder, "Trust me, and try."

Amari nods. She stands up and focuses on the water. She focuses on the sound, feeling, and sight of the water. The water started to rise. Amari gasps, "I'm doing it."

"Great job. Now let me show you something. Let the water cover your hand." Amari does what the spirit says, "Now place your hand over your eye." Cautiously, Amari places her hand over her eye.

A soft blue glow appears. Her eye doesn't hurt anymore. She removes her hand from her eye. She looks into the pond, sees her reflection. Her eye is healed, but there is a prominent scar.

"Did I do that?" Tui nods at the young guardian. "Every month, on the night of the full moon, I will teach you water bending."

Amari smiles, "Oh wow, I can't wait to tell Zuko." Tui speaks up, "I'm sorry my dear. You cannot tell anyone. Especially anyone in the Fire Nation. We have no idea what they would do to you. Please my dear, for your safety don't tell a soul." Amari nods at the spirit.


It's been one month since Amari found out that she is the guardian. Keeping that big of a secret from her best friend was so hard.

She fully moved into the palace after the day her dad gave her a scar. Of course she told Zuko about her dad and how she got the scar.

Zuko was ready to kill her father for doing that to her, but Amari stopped him, saying that he's not worth their breath.

But the secret that she is the guardian is a big thing and it was very hard for a fragile nine year-old to handle. She looked to who she could turn to, the second closet to her. She turned to her teacher, General Iroh.

She told Iroh all about her dad, the moon spirit, and her being the Guardian. Iroh told her that he knew that she had a large role in the hundred-year war. He continued to teach the young girl.

He showed her many ways to use firebending to your advantage. To protect yourself, and the true way of firebending. The breath of fire.

The young Amari thought that nothing could hurt her anymore. But fate proved her wrong three years later.

(The picture above is Tui.)

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