Chapter four: The Chase

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Amari was stuck with the psycho trio. Azula had requested that they get the train tank. Amari looks out the window. "Azula, look." Amari points to white fur on the ground. "That is probably the bison's fur." Azula looks where Amari's pointing. "Follow that trail."

"We're getting close! Ready the Mongoose Lizards!" Azula demands the crew.

The four girls get on the lizards. The train opens up revealing the four girls facing three people and a new girl. "Judging by the new ones clothes. She's an Earth bender." Amari told the girls. Azula hums in understanding. They charge at the group.

A pillar of Earth pops up and Amari blast fire at it. The lizards clamber threw. Mai sends a flurry of knives at the girl. She avoids the knife and gets on the bison. Azula shoots a blast of blue fire at them, but misses.

The girls follow that trail of fur again. "Wads of wet fur. How delightful." Mai remarks sarcastically. Ty Lee and Mai talk as Amari and Azula figure out what happened to the Avatar. "The trail goes this way." Mai points to the fur.

Amari looks at the treetops, "Look over there." She points at the treetops. Azula starts up, "The Avatar's trying to give us the slip. You two head in the direction and keep your eye out for the bison. Me and Amari will follow the fur."

Amari and Azula follow the fur in hot pursuit. They arrive at the edge of an abandoned town. They see the Avatar and go over to him.

He speaks up, "All right, you've caught up with me. Now, who are you and what do you want?" Azula looks at Amari and speaks for both of them. "You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint." Azula covers one of her eyes and imitates Zuko's voice, "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor!" Azula points to Amari, "And she is my brother's concubine." Amari rolls her eyes.

Azula and Amari advance on the Avatar. After a boring talk Azula had. Azula speaks up again, "Do you really want to fight me?" Zuko appears out of a cloud of dust. Amari freezes seeing her old friend. "Zuko!" "I was wondering when you'd show up, Zuzu." Azula said calmly, the Avatar covered his mouth to stop him from laughing, "Zuzu?"

Azula looks at Amari and nods towards the Avatar. Amari sighs, "Zuko this isn't your fight." Zuko looks at the girl. His eyes soften slightly. "Yes. It is." He blasts fire a Azula.

Azula and Zuko fight as Amari and Aang fight.

Amari looks over a Azula and Zuko. They are into fight to notice Amari. "Stop." She grabs his arm and pulls him out of view from the two siblings. "What?"

"I don't want to fight you." The Avatar looks shocked. "But your on her side." "Because I have to be. I don't want the Fire Nation to rule over the rest. And I want to help you take them down, but I can't do it now." Aang looks at the girl seeing true remorse in her eyes. "But I do have to fight you so Azula doesn't get suspicious." Aang nods. "What's your name?" "Amari," "Nice to meet you Amari. I'm Aang." "Hi Aang."

Amari and Aang are fighting but not hard enough to really hurt one another.

  Aang's friends show up and he calls out, "Katara!" "You idiot now Azula will attack her?" She whispers to the young Avatar.

Azula shoots a fire blast at Katara. Katara attacks Amari. She strong, but now strong enough to hurt her. The little Earth bending girl shows up. Amari nods at Aang telling him to knock her off so she can join Azula. He reluctantly blasts Amari off the roof they were fighting on.

Amari meets up with Azula. They are backed into a corner. Azula looks at all of them. "Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors, all working together. We're done. We know when we're beaten. You got us. The two princesses surrender with honor." The last sentence directed at Zuko.

Iroh falters his stance a little bit. Azula sees the opportunity and blast Iroh. He screaming in agony. "Iroh!" Amari yells, she ducks out of the way from all of the elements aimed at her.

Amari runs up to Iroh. She checks his pulse and checks his wound. Zuko runs over to Amari and Iroh. "Get away from us!" He yells not at Amari, but the Avatar.

The water tribe girl walks up to them, "Zuko, I can help." That was the last straw for him. He sends a fire blast at them. "Leave!"

Amari sees them leave and pulls out water and puts it on Iroh's wound. "He have to get him to a campsite." Zuko nods and lifts Iroh on his Ostrich horse.

They make it to Iroh's little campsite he has. Amari heals Iroh's wound. "All he needs is rest. I healed him almost all the way. The rest is up to how his body responds." Zuko nods, "I should get back to Azula so she doesn't seem suspicious of me." Amari gets up and goes to walk away, but before she can Zuko grabs her wrist. Their eyes meet, "Please don't go. I can't lose you again." Amari sits back down and grabs Zuko into a hug.

"You could never lose me." She whispers into his ear. He sighs and hugs her tighter. "Go to sleep Zuko. I'm going to wrap Iroh's wounds." He nods and lies on the ground.

Amari finishes wrapping Iroh's wounds and puts the stuff away. She looks over at Zuko and smiles, I'm finally back with my best friend, she thinks to herself before lying down next to Zuko.

The rest of the night Zuko holds on tight to Amari and Amari cuddles into his warmth. Zuko has been getting nightmares for a few weeks. With Amari by his side, they both have a dreamless sleep.

She is his honor // Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now