Chapter two: Banishment From the Nation

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Amari, just beat the best soldier in the nation. Being twelve, a prodigy fighter, and the prince's concubine, Amari had a lot of power.

Heading out of the training area she made her way back to the palace.

Amari walks inside and sees Zuko, "Hey Z," Zuko turns to his best friend, "Hey Mari." He looks excited and nervous. "What wrong Z?" He sighs, "I'm going to one of the war meetings. I'm nervous." Amari glances at her best friend's face, she smiles and embraces him. "You'll be fine. I have to go an clean up, but I'll see you after the meeting okay?" He nods at the girl. As she walks away all the young prince can think about is how lucky he is to have her.


Zuko storms out the meeting room. He keeps asking on walking until he finds himself in front of Amari's room.

He barges into her room. "What's wrong?" He jumps on Amari and hugs her. "I have an Agni Kai with one of the generals, because I didn't like his plan." "Zuko!" He looks up at her and gives her puppy eyes and puts on a baby voice. "Can you please help me train so I can beat the snotty general." Amari sighs, "Tell me what happened first."

Zuko told Amari everything that happened. How at first they wouldn't let him in, how he disagreed with the general and how he was challenged to an Agni Kai.


They only had an hour before of his Agni Kai, Amari and Zuko are training hard. "Okay that's enough. You'll need your strength when you take down this pompous general." Zuko smiles at his best friend, "Thank you Mari." She smiles back, "No worries. Now go get ready." Zuko runs off to go get ready for his Agni Kai.

Amari is standing next to Iroh, and Azula. Just as Zuko stands up looking in the direction of his opponent his face falls. Amari looks and sees the Fire Lord.

Zuko speaks with a shaky voice, "Please, Father. I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn." Ozai glances towards his son, "You will fight for your honor." Zuko falls to his knees and looks up to his father with tears in his eyes, "I meant you no disrespect. I am your loyal son." Ozai growls, "Rise and fight, Prince Zuko!" Zuko shakes his head, "I won't fight you." Ozai slowly walks up to his son. Zuko starts shaking as Ozai spoke, "You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher."

Amari held her breathe, he's not going to fight his own son, she thought. Ozai raised his fist with fire, and shot it right in his face. Zuko screamed and so did Amari. Iroh tried holding Amari back as she made her way towards Zuko, but failed. Amari pushes through the crowd and jumped up on the platform. She places Zuko's head on her lap and cried.

Iroh came up to her and tried to pull her away from Zuko. "No! No, Zuko. Look at me. Your going to be fine."

Amari is sat next to Zuko's bed. Brushing his hair out of his eyes. She sighs and kisses his head. "I love you Zuko," She mumbles.


Zuko standing in front of his father's throne with his uncle at his side. His father, sister, and best friend in front of him. Amari is giving Zuko
saddened eyes. Ozai spoke up, "By refusing to fight. Prince Zuko you are hear by banished. You have shown shameful weakness. You must capture the Avatar. Only then you can return with honor."

Amari looks at Ozai sending daggers his way. Zuko turns and leaves to pack. Amari gets up, but Ozai stops her. "You are not allowed to follow Zuko." She looks at him with a cold glare, "If Zuko is banished what am I to you. Nothing." He sighs calming his patience. "You are still his concubine, but also you are a soldier in this nation. You wouldn't want your mother's last wish for you to go into the dirt. Or tarnish your father's reputation." Amari taken aback by his remarks. "Then I'm off to say goodbye to my best friend."

Amari couldn't give a damn about her father anymore. But it was her mother that she cared for. She also knew that she had to stay in the Fire Nation to find ways to take it down.

Amari opens Zuko's door. "Hey Z," Zuko turns around to see his best friend, "Hey Mari." Amari runs over to Zuko and hugs him. "I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you." He let's her go and grabs her face in his hands. "It's okay Mari." She buries her face in his hands, "And I'm sorry I can't follow you. I want to so badly, but your prick of a father blackmailed me." Zuko's breath hitches at his throat, she's not coming. "It's okay Mari. I will return with the Avatar." Mari hugs Zuko and kisses his cheek. "I love you Zuko." He tightens his grip on her and whispers, "I love you too Amari."


Amari watches her best friend boarding his ship. She waves at him and Iroh, she slightly smiles and waves back.

As she watches his ship leave the dock she knows that he's not ever going to come back. The Avatar hasn't been around for a hundred years, he's not going to show up ever.

Amari did secretly hope that the Avatar would return, not just for Zuko to come home, but so this war could finally end. Amari loves her nation, but hates the Fire Lord and his stupid tactics.

Walking back to that palace all she can think of is if the Avatar does come back will, they be an Air Bender, and will they teach her.

Amari went to the turtle duck pond and looked at her reflection. She is the guardian, not just to the Avatar, but to the whole world. She takes a deep breath in. When it comes time for the Avatar to reappear she will absolutely help him take down the Fire Lord dick.

For right now, what she has to do is train for the war that is going to come. She can feel it, and she knows what she must do.

She is his honor // Zuko x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon