Chapter seven: Welcome to Ba Sing Se

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A/N- Amari's fake name is Jade. Iroh got her green contacts to hide her blue eye. She also has makeup covering the scar on her nose.

Amari stands looking over the edge of the ferry. "Who would have thought after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace. As a tourist!"

Amari looks at the old man, seeing him smiling with a flower hat on. She giggles softly, "Look around. We're not tourists, we're refugees."

Zuko takes a sip of his soup, them spits it into the ocean. "Ugh! I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this!"

"Aren't we all?" A voice says behind them. They look and see three people. "My name's Jet and these are my Freedom Fighters, Smellerbee and Longshot."

"Hey," One responds, while the other just nods. "Hello." Zuko responds coldly, "Hi," Amari says softly.

"Here's the deal. I hear the captain's eating like a king, while the refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?"

"No, it doesn't." Amari says, "What sort of king is he eating like? Iroh asks, "The fat happy kind."

Iroh's mouth starts to water. "You want to help us liberate some food?"

Jet looks at the two teens. "I'm in," Amari says. Zuko throws his bowl into the ocean, "Me too."

Jet smirks then winks at Amari. Amari looks away then rolls her eyes. Zuko sees that and clenches his jaw. He moves closer to Amari.


The four teens are hiding around the food storage. Jet breaks the door open. Zuko and Amari starts packing food. Smellerbee whisper-yells, "Guard's coming!"

Longshot Fire an arrow with a rope attached to it, allowing the four to slide with with the food. Longshot gets rid of the rope before the guard sees.


Jet is passing out good with Amari's help. Zuko shoots death glares at Jet's head. Zuko is sitting down with Iroh and the other Freedom Fighters.

"Here you go." Amari hands a little girl a plate of food. "Thank you!" Amari smiles at the girl.

"You're great with kids." Amari looks at Jet, "I guess." Jet stares at the scars on Amari's face. "Did the Fire nation do that to you?" Amari looks at him with furrowed brows. "Your scars." Amari touches the scar on her left eye, "Oh, I got these from defending myself, and my family." Jet scans her face, "Did you lose your parents to the war?" Amari clears her throat, "We should get back to the others." Jet nods curtly.

They walk back to Zuko and Iroh. "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall."

Amari sits next to Jet. Zuko grabs her waist and makes her sit in between his legs. Zuko's larger frame holds Amari's small body close.

Jet softly stiffens, and Iroh briefly look at the two teens. "It is a magnificent sight."

Jet looks at Iroh, "So you've been there before?" Amari blocks out Jet and Iroh's conversation. She whispers in Zuko's ear, "Jealous much."

Zuko grips her tighter, "I don't like the way he looks at you." Amari giggles lightly, she leans into Zuko's warmth.


The Amari and Zuko are waiting behind Iroh. "So, Mr. Lee, Ms. Jade, and Mr. umm Mushy, is it?" Iroh kindly responds with, "It's pronounced Mushi."

"You telling me how to do my job?" Iroh eyes widen, "Uh, no, no. But May I just say you're like a flower in bloom. Your beauty is intoxicating." The ticket lady giggles, "You're pretty easy on the eyes yourself, handsome. Raorr! Welcome to Ba Sing Se."

Zuko grabs his ticket disgusted, "I'm going to forget I saw that." Amari laughs at Zuko, "Nice work, Iroh."

Amari and Zuko are now sitting on a bench waiting for Iroh.

Jet looks at the two from far away, "I think Lee and Jade would make good Freedom Fighters. They're just trying to find their way in the world, like us."

Smellerbee quirks an eyebrow at Jet, "You don't know anything about them, Jet." Jet scoffs, "I know Lee didn't get that scar from a waterbender, and Jade said she got her scars from protecting herself and her family."

Amari can feel Zuko's anxiety. She grabs his hand as Iroh sits down next to them. Zuko smiles and leans his head on Amari's. "Ooh! Jasmine please." He takes a sip, "Blaugh! Ugh, coldest tea in Ba Sing Se is more like it! What a disgrace."

Jet approaches the trio. He sits on the other side of Zuko. "Hey, can I talk to you two for a second?" He motions for them to follow him. They both rise and follow Jet still holding hands.

"Together, us three have a much better chance of making it in the city if we stick together. You guys want to join the Freedom Fighters?"

"Thanks, but I don't think you want me in your gang." Jet looks at Amari, "No thanks."

He tries to convince the two even more, "Come on, we made a great team looting that captain's food. Think of all the good we could do for these refugees."

Amari rolls her eyes, "That scheme was a one time thing. And no means no." The two firebenders walk back to Iroh. "Have it your way."

Iroh is sipping his now steaming hot tea. Zuko glances over his shoulder at Jet, who narrows his eyes and walks back to his friends. Zuko knocks the cup out of his hand. "Hey!"

"What are you doing firebending your tea? For a wise, old man, that was a pretty stupid move!"

Amari sighs, she picks up the cup, "I agree with Zuko," She glances over her shoulder seeing Jet looking at her. She waterbends the tea back into the cup, "Just don't do it again." She hands the old man his tea.


Jet is storming towards the train, with Longshot and Smellerbee following close behind. "Jet, relax. So the old guy had some hot tea. Big deal."

"He heated it himself! Those guys are firebenders!" Smellerbee says, "Didn't you see Jade waterbend the tea back into the cup."

Jet looks at his friends, "Jade said that she got her scars by protecting herself and her family. They are holding her captive. They gave her those scars."


The trio are sitting down on the train. Zuko grabs Amari's hand. "Nice covering for Uncle, Mari." Amari smiles at Zuko, "I would do anything to save my family, Z."

She is his honor // Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now