Chapter three: Prick of the Fire Nation

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A/N ~ Your outfit at the top. You only have the mask on when your battling.

It's been three years since Zuko has been banished and the Avatar has returned. Amari finally had hope, but she couldn't act reckless now that the Avatar was back. She had to be smart, get as much information as she could.

Azula walks in Amari's room, "The Fire Lord wants to talk to you." Amari mutters a small "okay," and heads over to the throne room.

"Firelord," Amari bows and rolls her eyes. Ozai doesn't see her roll her eyes. "Azula is going on a journey to try and capture Zuko and Iroh." Amari looks up at him with a cold stare, "Why, they are no where this nation. They are capturing the Avatar just like you sent them too." He hums dryly, "They trespassed through Fire Nation water, so there for they are not following Zuko's banishment." Amari growls lowly, "Why do I have to go? Azula can do that on her own perfectly well." Ozai rises from his seat and walks over to Amari. "You will help Azula capture the Avatar." She scoffs quietly, "What about Zuko?" He circles her, "Like you said Azula can do that on her own, but she will need help to capture the Avatar." She glares at him as he waves his hand for her to be dismissed. She walked out of the room and went to her own.

Amari growls and kicks her wardrobe. She thinks to herself, fifth one broken this week.

How could Zuko be so stupid. Sailing into Fire Nation waters. Knowing Zuko he probably did it to follow the Avatar. Now I have to follow the psycho bitch to trace you and the Avatar down. Amari tells herself in her head as she packs.

Azula walks into the room, "Are you almost done packing?" Amari nods, "Just a few more things then I'll be ready." Azula walks over and sits on her bed, "That is the fifth one broken this week," She nods over to the wardrobe. Amari chuckles lowly, "Yeah well, your dad gets on my nerves." Azula laughs, "Don't worry. I'll hunt down Zuzu, and you can go for the Avatar." Amari hums unamused.


Amari and Azula get on the ship and go to an unknown place for Amari.

They arrive at a... circus? "Azula what are we doing here?" Azula explains how she already found Zuko and Iroh, but they escaped so she's getting back up. Amari slightly smiles knowing Zuko got away and is probably in hiding in the earth kingdom.

"Ty Lee, could that possibly be you?" Azula says at the girl in a handstand with only her fingers. Ty Lee didn't look that different from when she was a kid. She still is wearing pink, still into gymnastics, and still as perky as ever. "Azula! Amari!"

Ty Lee flips from her stance and spins around gracefully then bows down. She runs up to Azula and Amari and hugs them. Amari dodged her hug. After Zuko left she never let anyone hug her or touch her anymore.

"It is so good to see you both!" Azula talks to Ty Lee as Amari zones out and glances around the circus.

Azula walks into Amari's room on the ship, "I got Ty Lee to join us," She smiles smugly. "Good, now where to next?" Azula pretends to think, "Mai," and walks out.

Amari lies down on her bed, ugh great Mai. Mai is probably still dull as ever. Whatever.


The three girls make in to Omashu. Azula being the spoiled princess she is she is riding in the palanquin, while Amari and Ty Lee walk behind it.

They see Mai's figure standing there alone. Azula steps out from the palanquin and walks over to Mai. They give one another fake glares. Mai bows and looks up to Azula, "Please tell me you're here to kill me." Both of them start laughing.

Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai catch up with one another. Amari just sighs and wishes Zuko was here. She would never be alone. She wouldn't have to put up with the psycho trio.

Azula, Mai, Ty Lee and Amari make their way up to the palace.

Azula kicks Mai's dad off of the throne and sits down on it. She starts ridiculing him and his wife.

"Amari!" She hums, "We're you paying attention?" She shakes her head yes, "Good. Let's go," The blue firebender beckons to the three other girls.


The four girls walk up to an unfinished statue of Ozai. Mai leads the way and they see three people in front of they. Two boys and a girl. King Bumi is in a cage with only his head uncovered.

"Hi, Everybody," He laughs manically. "You brought my brother?" Mai questions the strange trio. "He's here. We're ready to trade." They youngest of the three speaks up.

Azula butts in, "I'm sorry, but a thought just occurred to me. Do you mind?" Mai turned to Azula. "Of course not, Princess Azula." Azula smirks, "We're trading a two year old for a king." Looking up at Bumi, "A powerful, Earthbending king?" The mad king nods.

"That doesn't seem like a fair trade, does it?" Azula said faking pity. Mai side eyes Azula, the looks over to her brother in the oldest boy's arms. "You're right. The deal's off." The cage Bumi's in is raising up off the ground. "Bumi!" The kid calls.

Azula tries to block the kid's way with a jet of blue fire, but he jumps high up, and opens his glider. In the process he lost his hat exposing his arrow tattoo. Azula and Amari look at each other. "The Avatar!" "Our lucky day princess."

Azula uses a pulley system to get to the Avatar. Amari looks up at the Avatar reluctantly. Then conjures her white flames and blast towards the Avatar.

In the air Azula shoots her fire at the Avatar. She startles him and he acts quickly by deflecting the fire.

The pair fall down as Aang cuts the chain. Amari gets in a chute of her own and see Azula following her moves.

Amari doesn't want to hurt the Avatar with her white flames so she does them as lightly as she can before Azula can catch on. Aang having a hard time fighting both of the powerful Fire benders. Amari knows that she should be helping the Avatar. She's his guardian.

Reluctantly Amari fights the Avatar. She see a rock appear out of the ground crashing Azula's chute. Amari doesn't see one coming her way so she broke her own.

Amari and Azula make it back to the palace. The palanquin is being carried out with Azula on it. Mai, Ty Lee and Amari walk behind it. "So, we are tracking down your brother and Uncle, huh?" Ty Lee turns to Mai, "It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again." Then she turns to Amari, "Won't it Amari?" Amari rolls her eyes, "Maybe. I suppose I am still his concubine. According to the Fire Lord." From those sentences Mai glares coldly at Amari.

Azula speaks up, "It's not just Zuko and Iroh for me. Me and Amari are going after the Avatar."

She is his honor // Zuko x OCWhere stories live. Discover now