Chapter 1

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YEAH!! Book 2!! Whooo!! It ain't over yet. XD Took me too long to figure out how this chapter was going to go... but it's here now! Enjoy!

A/N; Also, for any who may be wondering or is confused... I probably should have said this way before... hehe. Scar, is just paralyzed from the waist down. I wanted to go as close as I could to things irl, but I was (and still am) unsure that I know enough about everything he deals with health wise and such, that I'm making things simpler and just  having him paralyzed. I know he isn't paralyzed in real life (I think) but it's what I wanted to go with, so yeah. 

Sorry the A/N is long. Have fun reading!

        Impulse thumped against the bars roughly, grunting slightly. Backing up, he rammed into the bars again. He backed up again, then ran forward ramming into it. 

        "Impulse..." Scar sighed. Bang. "Impulse..." Scar repeated in a mumble. Bang. "Impulse!" he shouted, opening his eyes. "Ramming into the bars isn't going to get us out!" he said. 

        "I know, I know..." Impulse grumbled, pausing as he glanced toward Scar. "Neither will anything else." He said.

        "Well at least we got somewhere with all those things. Doing that is just going to hurt your shoulder!" Scar said. 

        "Oh- so what about your shoulder?? That looked like it hurt when you tried to stick it between the bars and reach for the lock!" Impulse replied. Scar opened his mouth, then closed it for a moment. 

        "...Either way, crashing into the bars won't do anything." he said. 

        "So what do we do then? Nothing else is working. Each time we've gotten close to escaping- they show up... I really don't like feeling watched all the time." Impulse said. "It's creepy." 

        "Eh, well I've already gotten used to it." Cleo said from the wall. 

        "Of course you have- they have to watch you like a hawk. Which I don't understand how they can handle that..." Impulse said, shivering. "Seeing your hand crawl between the bars was... even creepier...." he said.

        "Perks of being a zombie. Don't you love it?" Cleo asked, grinning slightly. 

        "...Anyway..." Scar said, shivering slightly. "I'm not sure what to do. It's been two weeks, and not once have we left this cell... I'm worried we might be stuck here forever. It doesn't help that the one guy who could really help us is... unavailable..." he said, glancing to Mumbo. 

        The man in the suit sat in the corner, curled up as he stared at his knees... He hadn't moved from that spot all week. He just looked so... empty. And Scar knew he was. Grian and Mumbo were practically brothers, that was, until they discovered that Grian was the bad guy... It destroyed everything. Everyone who knew the sweater boy had a hole somewhere within them now- And Mumbo's was the biggest... And it didn't seem like it could ever be mended. 

        "Guys- quiet down, someone's coming." Etho whispered from the cell beside them. Instantly they all went still and quiet.

        Scar looked up to the hall, toward the corner. A shadow was walking with a quick pace, coming closer. He noticed the odd shape of the head and wondered why it looked the way it did... then the shadow's owner walked into view, Scar gasping as Etho's eyes widened. "Xisuma!" The two said in unison. Impulse and Cleo quickly glanced over, their eyes widening as well. 

The Flames Inside | A Watcher Grian Story; Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant